Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 26 The case is not easy to investigate

Chapter 26 The case is not easy to investigate

"Is that thing easy to find? Will there be any omissions after searching?"

Su Bo was afraid that the confession of the captured prisoner would not be true, and if he missed a piece or two and didn't find it, it would be no joke.

"We brought experts and special equipment in this field.

You don't have to worry about this. "

"it is good.

Then I will trouble everyone. "

Su Bai asked the family members to go out and stand in the garden, leaving the place to the police and the experts who came with them.


"How could anyone think of such a sinister trick to harm people?

Old Su, who did you offend outside?

Will he use this method to repay us, or will he think of other ways. "

I don't know what happened recently.

Things happen all the time at home.

First, the daughter almost lost her life, and then she was targeted by criminals who were being caught by the police.

"Don't worry, it's alright.

I'll try to find someone out. "

Su Bai comforted his wife.

Fortunately, my daughter has gone to school and is not at home today, otherwise my daughter would have been scared too.

"Yuexin, what do you think of this?"

Su Bai discussed with his son.

"The other party's attack is to kill us.

There is no reason to guard against thieves every day.

There are many cases in the police, and it is not easy to investigate this matter for a while, so we should find a way to investigate it ourselves. "

Su Yuexin didn't expect that such a disaster would happen to her family.

"Okay, let's find a private detective to check."

Su Bai also understood what his son meant.

"I'll handle this matter. I have a friend named Mi Su, a serious private investigator. He has a way, and he is good at investigating this."

Su Yuexin directly stated the candidate in his mind.

"Okay, then you can do it now.

Don't tell your sister about this.

Let's wait until it's resolved. "

"okay, I get it.

By the way, Dad, today Aunt Qiao said she would come to see Tianxin.

In case Aunt Qiao forgets to propose marriage in front of Tianxin, mother and younger sister will probably have a hard time dealing with it. "

"Let's play by ear.

You can't keep people from coming

Tomorrow is the weekend, let's take your mother and sister out shopping.

There have been a lot of troubles at home recently.

Let your mother and Tianxin go out to relax.

We men can just worry about other things. "

Sure enough, Su Bai was famous for doting on his wife and daughter.

Going shopping with a woman is something that many men avoid. The fighting power of a woman shopping is quite terrifying.

Money is not a big deal, the key is too tired.

He even offered to mention it.

It can be seen that he is a real warrior.


Soon the police dug up a piece of metal the size of a copper coin in the Su family's garden and a potted plant in the living room.

The thing is not big, and it can be used on the side of professional equipment. The radioactive material exceeds the safety standard by as much as ten thousand times.

The frightened Su family all leaned back together.

"We took things with us.

We will continue to work on the case.

If Mr. Su thinks of any clues, he can contact us at any time. "

This case is actually not easy to investigate.

The Su family is one of the top ten wealthy merchants in China.

Even if they are not enemies, there are many people whose interests are involved.

To check from the current clues first, it is simply looking for a needle in a haystack.

The police will try their best, but they can't guarantee the deadline.

They themselves thought that the suspicious person might be able to find out the case faster.

"Okay, thank you all.

If you hadn't come to poach this thing away, we would have been killed. "

Su Bo sincerely thanked the police comrades.

"You're welcome, this is what we should do."

Not long after the police left, Su Yuexin went to pick up her sister.

 Thanks to "mini chocolate yi", "book friend 150216203529689" and "a plain as water" little angel for the reward, thank you~



(End of this chapter)

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