Chapter 260

In the afternoon, Su Tianxin and the others were making final preparations.

Su Qing's parents brought Su Qing and Xie Li to the school.

Su Qing's original name was Fan Fang, but everyone is used to calling her Su Qing, and she also likes her current name. After discussing it with her parents, she only needs to change her surname back when she goes back.

It will be called Fan Qing from now on.

"Sister Tianxin, thank you for helping me find a home, my parents and those relatives who I haven't met but who have always cared about me.

I'm going home, can I contact you often in the future?And... Great God Mobai. "

Fan Qing hugged Su Tianxin, she was actually a bit reluctant to leave Beijing, but her home is not here, she has to go home.

"I think you miss your Mobai master more in your heart, right? Senior Wei, your little fan girl welcomes you."

Su Tianxin happened to see Wei Yanzhi and called him over.

"Congratulations, Su Qing, you are going home. Go back and study hard. You will be admitted to Tsinghua University in the future, and then you will be able to see your sister Tianxin and Beibei again."

Wei Yanzhi has good hearing, so he naturally heard the conversation between the two just now.

However, Fan Qing can be regarded as a big girl, so she can't take this word casually.

Then pretend that you didn't hear it, and naturally you don't have to answer this question.And Fan Qing's name was deliberately called Su Qing.

"Well, I will work hard, but my grades are not as good as sister Beibei's. I may not be able to get into Qing University."

Fan Qing whispered a little embarrassed.

"It doesn't matter, everyone's talent is different. Your talent may be in painting. I saw you draw well last time. When you go back, find a teacher to study professionally. Maybe you can be admitted to the Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University. It will still be a school.

You are in the first year of high school this year, and you have to work hard for three years to get in just before they graduate. "

Wei Yanzhi felt that Su Qing's talent was good, but it was a pity that she didn't have the conditions to learn painting systematically.

But now that she's home, her parents seem to be treating her pretty well. Wei Yanzhi, by the way, can also be regarded as a reminder to Fan Qing's parents and think of a way out for the child.

"Xiaoqing likes to draw, and my father will be your teacher when I go back. We will try our best to take the exam and go back to Beijing to reunite with my sisters and brothers."

Sure enough, Wei Yanzhi's words caught the attention of Fan Qing's parents, and her father also thought the idea was good.

"Well, I will work hard, study hard, and draw well, so that I can become a great master like brother Mobai in the future!"

Fan Qing took Wei Yanzhi as a target.

"Okay, we'll wait for you."

Several people looked at her and laughed.

"Sister Tianxin, this is a gift for you. Dad said that this is the most valuable thing in our family now. It's not too expensive. I hope you don't dislike it."

Fan Qing took a long box from her father, and it looked like a painting scroll inside.

"Uncles and aunts are too polite. I shouldn't have accepted this gift at first, but since it is your sincerity, I will accept it for you. I will pass this gift to the person who helped Xiaoqing find her home before." of."

Naturally, Su Tian would not dislike it, let alone the most valuable item of the Fan family, even if it is an ordinary gift, it is also in his heart, so how could she dislike it.

"We don't know what to say if we thank you. Miss Su, you are a good person, you are a kind person, and good people will be rewarded.

You see, we can't speak, although we ordinary people can't do anything, but if you need our Fan family in the future, just say it, and it's definitely incumbent on you. "

Fan Qing's father's eyes were red again as he spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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