Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 268 Don't dare to touch it at night

Chapter 268 Don't dare to touch it at night

In this way, the three of them finished talking about the initial scale of the studio and the preliminary work within one meal, which is unmatched in efficiency.

"That's how we finalize the three of us working together to open a studio? No, after the party tonight, I'll invite you two girls to dinner.

Qiming Seven Star Hotel, let's have a big meal, which can be regarded as a celebration.

Otherwise, when I think about it later, it's just a box lunch, which is too shabby. "

Miss Xiao Jin said in a huffy voice.

"Qiming won't be serving dinner at ten o'clock in the evening, right? We don't finish work until after 09:30 at the evening party. When we go to Qiming, it's time to eat supper. Aren't you afraid of getting fat?"

Su Tianxin looked at Miss Xiaojin and laughed straight away, but she was listening to Miss Xiaojin telling her colleagues that she was losing weight recently.

"Oh, forget about it. I was thinking of finishing work and calling it a day. Let's go eat delicious food. I'm still on a diet recently, so late-night snacks are absolutely unacceptable. Then we can only do it another day." appointment."

When Miss Xiao Jin heard about the supper, she was so scared that she changed the time and made an appointment again.

"Okay, on the day when our studio is established, we will have a big meal in Qiming. If you want to eat Chinese food, you can eat Chinese food. If you want to eat Western food, you can eat Western food. When the time comes, let the chef cook it for you."

Qiming is the property of the Su family, Su Tianxin said that this is not a bit watery.

"I forgot, Qiming is opened by your family, okay, we'll go along with you at that time. Beibei, let's work hard with Miss Tianxin. From now on, we will have a good time to eat and drink hot food."

Seeing that the two of them were talking, Su Beibei didn't interrupt, so she pulled her along, fearing that Su Beibei would be left out in the cold.

"Yes, follow Tian Xin and work hard."

Su Beibei's eyes are full of fighting spirit, she will definitely seize such a good opportunity, she knows that Su Tian opened this studio to help her, and she will definitely do it well.

"Sister Beibei is real."

Seeing Su Beibei's sincere and serious appearance, Miss Xiao Jin not only found it cute, but also felt at ease.

It seems that this person is still capable of work, not the master who was invited by the eldest lady to only drink tea and do nothing, that's fine.

Speaking of a studio jointly opened by three people, but the two of them are classmates, so the relationship is naturally much closer than the relationship between Xiao Jin and them. A little girl who knows nothing, neither invests nor has any skills. She is still a young lady who has nothing to do with her job, so she will suffer for Miss Jin herself.

"Miss Xiaojin, I don't know your name yet. When I go home and tell my family about this, I can't call you Miss Jin again, can I?"

Su Tian suddenly remembered this matter.

"Oh, you see, I forgot such an important thing. Let me re-introduce, my name is Jin Li, I am 28 years old, unmarried and single, I am about to lose my job, and I am about to usher in my new life again. After the two little girls Take care of your sister more."

Miss Xiaojin introduced herself seriously.

"You are our sister now, why should we take care of you?"

Su Beibei didn't understand.

"Whoever said that older sisters don't need to take care of them, and those who are capable are in the top position. We, Miss Su, are the funders, and now we are our benefactors. Of course, we have to rely on her to take care of us."

"Mother Su said that one has to rely on oneself, and besides, Tianxin is the youngest of the three of us, we should take care of her."

Su Beibei's idea of ​​taking care of Su Tianxin cannot be changed.

"Who is Mama Su?"

(End of this chapter)

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