Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 272 Give Qiao Muqing a face

Chapter 272 Give Qiao Muqing a face

"I mean after the party is over? Is Tian Xin going home or spending New Year's Eve with her classmates?"

Seeing that Su Yuexin didn't understand what he meant, Qiao Muqing asked directly.I don't know when the two of them started to communicate with each other.

"Why are you looking for Tianxin for something?"

Su Yuexin suddenly felt vigilant, this guy couldn't be looking for Tian Xin to celebrate the new year, right?Are you kidding me?

"I chose a gift a few days ago. It's a birthday present for Tian Xinbu. I'll give it to you later. If you don't give it away, it will become a gift for next year."

Qiao Muqing suddenly thought of this excuse.

"No need? It's almost a week since Tianxin's birthday."

In fact, Su Yuexin didn't really want Qiao Muqing to come over, since there was nothing to do to show affection, either adultery or robbery.

When Tian Xin celebrated his birthday in the past, he either forgot to buy a gift, or he asked Aunt Xu to give it for him, and he didn't seem to be sincere enough to give it back.What happened this year?

First he prepared a big house as a gift, and after it was returned, he now has the cheek to say that he has prepared another gift to give back?

Is there anything wrong with this guy?Or is there some other purpose?

"It's because almost a week has passed, and I have to send out the gift quickly, or it will be too late. Why don't you welcome me? Or do you have a problem with me? You said the previous things are over. Lian Tianxin His classmates and friends all gave him birthday presents, so my brother, who watched him grow up, can’t be inferior to outsiders, right?”

Qiao Muqing is playing the emotional card?

Su Yuexin really wanted to throw a blank stare at him, now she's one of her own?He also said that Tianxin's friends and classmates are outsiders.

Back then, Tian Xin wanted to be a family with him, who was hiding far away?You still despise your sister, what are you doing now?

Could it be that he was influenced by himself and tended to be sister control?Or did he really think that Mu Xia was too stupid and tired, so he wanted to rob his sister?

As expected of being straight boyfriend friends, both of them have similar ideas.

Su Yuexin didn't think of other possibilities. At most, she thought that Qiao Muqing was trying to rob her sister, but when she thought about her cute and cute Tianxin, and Mu Xia, in comparison, he sympathized with Qiao Muqing. Let him live the mood of having a younger sister once in a while.

"Okay, if you buy a gift, you can give it as you want. It won't be so expensive this time, right? Otherwise, it will be returned again. I don't care if you are ashamed or not, and I won't help you."

Su Yuexin saw that for the sake of his brother for many years, since Qiao Muqing wanted to repent, let's give it a chance.Although my younger sister already has him as a good brother, and there is no shortage of brothers, Aunt Xu has always been kind to Tian, ​​so it is best not to have a too rigid relationship with the two sons of the Qiao family.

Even if it was for the support of his younger sister in the future, he reluctantly accepted Qiao Muqing's overture.

"Don't worry, the gift this time is just a small gift. I asked the little girl to like it."

Qiao Muqing told half the truth.

The gift is indeed something that little girls will like, even he has investigated it in advance this time, and Su Tianxin's clues on Weibo also show that she will like this gift.

But a small gift does not mean that it is not expensive.

A small thing doesn't look big, but the price is not low, and it's especially hard to find, even if you have money, it doesn't mean you can find it.

After he was rejected by Tian Xin when he gave the house before, he was trying to find a way to find this gift the next day, dragging a lot of connections, and he only got it yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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