Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 276 Qiao Muqing is depressed

Chapter 276 Qiao Muqing is depressed

But don't stretch out your hands to hit the smiling face, if people praise her so much, Su Tian doesn't want to look at others, so he has to pretend to be friendly.

"Thank you, Brother Mu Qing, for your compliment. In the last show, I helped Wei Yanzhi perform a dance. Everyone watched him. He plays the guqin very well."

Su Tian wanted to be humble, so she turned to ask Xiao Jin to continue to remove her make-up, so that it would be quicker.Anyway, removing makeup doesn't take up my mouth, so I should chat and continue chatting.

Who would have thought that Qiao Muqing directly misunderstood that she liked Wei Yanzhi, so she praised him so much.

In the past, when Tian Xin liked him, she would always mention him. When others spoke ill of him behind her back, the little girl would often rush out and argue with others to protect him.

Thinking about that time, I took it for granted and even took it for granted, really...

Now that the little girl doesn't like him, let alone say good things for him to defend him, even when she doesn't even bother to hide her dislike of him, why is he feeling so uncomfortable?Hearing her praise other boys now, apart from worrying about her being cheated, he also seemed to feel particularly depressed.

"Old Wei's grandson, it's not trivial to know how to play piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. The children in their family were raised as Confucian scholars in ancient times, right? Otherwise, someone's children would learn to make purple clay pots at a young age.

He gave Dad that pot, and our dad has been fond of it lately, playing with it for half a day. "

Su Yuexin didn't say anything else, "Fortunately, my dad is sensible, and he didn't sell you to the Wei family just because of the purple clay pot." 'If there were no outsiders at this moment, Su Yuexin would definitely have complained.

I really don't understand old men, isn't a purple sand pot just for making tea?What's so fun, I can play for half a day, and I still like to look like that.

"Purple clay pot?"

Qiao Duheng also likes to play with that thing, and Qiao Muqing also helped his father find famous pots before.

"Oh, you don't know yet, that kid Wei Yanzhi is the apprentice of Mr. Zhuang Nan, and it looks like he's about to become a teacher. We didn't know until Tian Xin's birthday that this kid gave him a purple clay teapot that he made himself.

A few days ago, Tianxin helped my dad to choose a treasure pot from that kid and gave it to my dad. My dad took it out to have a look when he had nothing to do these few days.It's almost crazy. "

While the two were talking, Miss Xiaojin was also curious.

"It turns out that Wei Dacai is so versatile? I think he treats you very well. Does he have interest in you?"

Miss Xiaojin asked Su Tianxin in a low voice.

Given the current relationship between the two, it's okay to gossip.

"Miss Xiao Jin, why do you ask that? It's interesting for this boy and girl to say a few more words? Isn't this the feudal*jian*jiu* society?"

Su Tian felt that she was about to make a statement. Jiang Ling had just finished speaking this morning, and someone came again tonight. Isn't it over yet?

"Don't I also think that young man is nice? It's nothing else, just gossip. If you don't want to listen to me, don't ask."

Miss Xiaojin couldn't decide whether Su Tianxin was happy to hear this or not, so she had to test it out.

"Then let's not talk about this in the future, let's talk about how to make money. Our goal is to make a lot of money!"

Su Tian couldn't hold back her bold words, which became a little louder.

In fact, she just didn't have a loud voice. When she was chatting with Miss Xiaojin just now, Qiao Muqing had been paying attention to their side, and heard everything she needed to hear.

(End of this chapter)

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