Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 282 The house is finally given away

Chapter 282 The house is finally given away


Qiao Muqing hummed and didn't say any more.

Su Yuexin thought about this little thief, the previous birthday gift was not sent out, and now she is still thinking about taking out this house for Tianxin to use.This is the last move to deliver this gift to Tian Xin.

However, not to mention, Su Yuexin had a general understanding of the house in his hand, and it was indeed quite suitable.

If Tian Xin wants to open a studio, he must allocate part of his energy to it.If the studio is too far away, it will take a lot of time to commute back and forth. It is convenient for Tianxin to choose a place near the school.

The small apartment where Tian Xin lived before did not dare to let Tian Xin go there by herself. If the studio was booked, she could go there when she was not in class, and went there to take a rest after lunch.

Thinking about it this way, regardless of what Qiao Muqing's starting point was, he felt that it was not impossible for his sister to use this house first.

"The house near our school should be quite easy to sell. Brother Mu Qing, if you keep it for nothing, you can sell it. This good house is used by us, and it won't be easy to sell in the future, so let's forget it."

Su Tianxin, whose elder brother contributes money and effort, is not ambiguous in using it, so Qiao Muqing forgets it.

"A stranger to me like this? I don't need that little money. It was meant to give you a house. You can use it first and give it back to me when you don't want to use it."

Qiao Muqing didn't tell Su Tianxin that the house had already been written in her name, and Qiao Muqing would not take it back if she wanted it.

Originally, she planned to find an opportunity to deliver the house to Su Tianxin, but she didn't expect the opportunity to come so soon.

"Let's use it first, your brother Muqing's house is not for nothing, it will be dusted wherever it is placed."

At any rate, Su Yuexin can now deal with Qiao Muqing's affairs and not to others.

It was useless for my younger sister to take it away from that house before, but now it is really useful, so let's take it first, at worst, I have to find a way to buy it from Qiao Muqing.

"Then...thank you, Brother Muqing."

Originally, she thought that buying a house would require a large amount of investment, but now if she borrows Qiao Muqing's house first and uses it first, she can borrow less from her family or even not need to borrow the rest of the funds, as her small coffers are enough Startup funds.

However, there is always some rent to be paid for borrowing someone's house, but Qiao Muqing will definitely not accept it. He is not short of money, and there is nothing that needs her help, so she...or why not make some snacks for Qiao Muqing often.

On his birthday last time, Su Tianxin remembered that when he promised Mi Su to make him a birthday cake, Qiao Muqing seemed to want it too.In her memory, Qiao Muqing didn't like desserts very much, probably because her taste has changed now.

Anyway, she makes a lot of desserts now, and it's almost the same for multiple people to eat less than one person. It's not a troublesome thing, but it can be regarded as a thank you anyway.There is no reason to use his house for nothing.

"It's the same as your brother here. If you need help, just talk. Don't be polite to me in the future."

Seeing that Su Tianxin finally agreed to take over the house, although it was only in the name of borrowing, Qiao Muqing felt much better.

Even he himself finds it strange that since when, he has to rush to give others things, which really makes him a bit confused.

"The rent..."

"No need for rent. If you dare to give me rent, shouldn't it be said that if I dare to collect your rent, can my mother let me go? I'm afraid I won't even have to go home."

(End of this chapter)

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