Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 287 It's Not My Sister But I Like It

Chapter 287 It's Not My Sister But I Like It

"Why do you have to accompany me?"

Su Tian couldn't understand why the two of them were so nervous, she just had a meal, is it necessary?

"I'm afraid you're drunk."

Su Yuexin told the truth helplessly.


Su Tianxin never knew that she was quite worrying after drinking.No one in the family told her, let alone anyone else.

Just now when Wei Yanzhi talked about the dinner party, Su Yuexin and Qiao Muqing naturally thought of this question immediately, and they understood each other's meaning.

"Last time you drank some wine at the banquet. Although the alcohol content was not high, you were obviously drunk. We were all a little worried about your state and wanted to accompany you to the dinner party.

But it's a bit exaggerated for the two of you to go together. I asked your brother to take your parents home, and I didn't go in. I just watched from outside the venue. If there's anything wrong with you, I'll take you home. "

What Qiao Muqing said was quite thinking about it.

Is he really just afraid that Su Tian will drink alcohol?No, he was afraid that those boys would take the opportunity to deceive the little girl with their rhetoric.

"Isn't it over if I don't drink? What do I do? If I say I don't drink, no one will dare to force me? Besides, there are many people who don't drink at the student union dinner in the school. I can't be alone. Not much, don't worry."

Su Tianxin didn't pay much attention to Qiao Muqing's words, she thought why her brother and Qiao Muqing had been arguing for so long, and it turned out to be because of this.

Qiao Muqing forgot about it. This is a student party. If you don't want to attend the party he used to attend, you can just refuse to drink. This reason will not work.Damn it!What excuse should he find to not let Tian Xin go?

Especially don't let her and Wei Yanzhi have the chance to be alone together.

Qiao Muqing can also see that Su Tianxin and Wei Yanzhi are interested in each other, if one of Wei Yan takes this opportunity to confess his love and Tianxin agrees, then...

No way!

At this moment, Qiao Muqing suddenly felt that she seemed a little abnormal.Even that boy Wei Yanzhi felt that it was not as simple as it seemed on the surface, but why was he so nervous?

He is rarely so nervous.

Is he nervous about being cheated or nervous about something else?

Qiao Muqing took a deep breath and thought about the cause and effect in an instant.If Tian Xin was really his sister, would he be as nervous as he is now?

Maybe she will be nervous that her sister is cheated, but she will definitely not be so nervous, just look at Su Yuexin now.I probably reacted similarly to him now.

Wei Yanzhi's popularity and all aspects are excellent. If it wasn't for Tian Xin, Qiao Muqing might appreciate such a young man. He didn't have much opinion of this Wei Yanzhi in the past.

But ever since Wei Yanzhi and Tian Xin got involved, Qiao Muqing felt very uncomfortable every time he heard the name Wei Yanzhi.

what is this?Qiao Muqing had a terrible guess in his heart, did he really fall in love with Tianxin as his mother had told him?

Although he really didn't want to admit it, Qiao Muqing was not an elm-headed man with a low EQ. It seemed that his abnormal behavior and various strange behaviors during this period of time could be explained at once.

Although he still doesn't know exactly when and how he started to like Tianxin, and he doesn't know how much he likes him, but he is very clear about one thing.

Since he likes Tianxin, he must not give Wei Yanzhi the chance to confess his love, especially on a day like today.

(End of this chapter)

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