Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 298 I just want to participate in your future

Chapter 298 I just want to participate in your future

After Su Tianxin was reborn, she had parents, mother and elder brother. It seemed that her memories of being an orphan in the past became blurred little by little. Now she is very happy, and she has gradually thought less about the past.

Maybe happy memories really override bad ones?But what does this have to do with her?The relationship between her and Qiao Muqing is not as simple as those about memories.

Those unhappy memories belonged to Su Tian's heart in the past, not hers.There is no way for Su Tianxin to tell him this, but if he is so concerned about whether he has forgiven him now, she will help him untie this knot.

"Although everything in the past has already happened, I am already planning to start again. As long as you don't mention the stupid things I have done, I will gradually forget them. I don't hate you, and I don't hold grudges against you anymore. We It's a write-off."

If it is said that the memory left by the original body in the past has a certain influence on Su Tian's heart, these months have passed, and the influence has become weaker and weaker. After talking seriously with Qiao Muqing this time, she really let go of it. up.

Before, Su Tian didn't dare to get too close to Qiao Muqing, one was afraid of being misunderstood by his family, and the other was afraid that Qiao Muqing himself would be misunderstood.Looking at the current appearance, everyone understands that Su Tianxin has long since let go of those messy thoughts in the past, and there is no need to deliberately avoid him.

"Then can you still let me join in this restart of yours?"

Qiao Muqing suddenly felt sorry for the little girl at this moment. Did he break her heart and make her feel too desperate to really want to let go of the past and start over?

If he could go back to the past, he must go back and tell himself at that time to treat Tian Xin better, even better, don't hurt her, don't make her so sad.Otherwise, one day he will regret it.

Just like myself now.

Only at this moment did Qiao Muqing realize what he had missed in the past. That brave little girl who was desperate for love might never exist again.She let go of growing up, and also left those loves for herself in the past.

Qiao Muqing's heart ached unbearably. He didn't even dare to think about the price of such growth. He was wrong, really wrong...

"You are Aunt Xu's son, the eldest brother of the Qiao family. It seems unrealistic for me to exclude you. Brother Qiao, I also hope that you will forget me in the past, and don't look at me with pity , I will become stronger, stronger and stronger."

Su Tian had firmness and stubbornness in her heart, which Qiao Muqing had never seen in her.

Su Tian's heart is really different from before.

Only now did Qiao Muqing realize that what her mother said about Su Tian not wanting to have a relationship now was true, and it was not an excuse to prevaricate her family.In her heart, there are things that she wants to do more, things that are more worth spending energy on, and love is really not the time now.

Qiao Muqing suddenly realized that she could no longer utter the words she had prepared. For such a transparent girl, if he showed a little bit, she would definitely stay away from him.

After all, his liking for her will definitely be seen as an interfering and destructive factor that hinders her from becoming stronger.Not only will you not be able to confess your success, but it may also backfire and push the relationship between the two who have just made a little progress to the other side.

At that time, I am afraid that there is no way to recover.He has also experienced Su Tianxin's stubbornness before.

Now is not the time, he can't take risks, no matter how much he fears that the little girl will be preempted by others, he has to endure it.

Since she wants to become stronger, the only thing he can do now is to help her become stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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