Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 302 Mu Xia is a suitable inner responder

Chapter 302 Mu Xia is a suitable inner responder

"Actually, Brother Mu Xia is also very good. He likes to study very much. He said that he will be admitted to our school as a graduate student. He may be my senior in the future. Aunt Xu, don't talk about him like that."

Su Tianxin is actually quite embarrassed. Although Aunt Xu loves her very much, she shouldn't help her hate like this every time.

"Mu Xia wants to take the postgraduate entrance examination? Or is it a graduate student in your school? Is that okay? Don't be so embarrassing if you don't pass the exam. Since you went to university, you haven't even passed the top three majors. You should forget it and wait until you graduate. Let the company help you, big brother."

Xu Qingxia really said what she thought of, not saving face for her youngest son at all.

Fortunately, Qiao Muxia was already used to this kind of treatment, and it was better without Su Tianxin on weekdays, but when Su Tianxin was by his side, he was completely compared to the dust.

"Mom... I used to fail in the exam because I didn't study hard and didn't put in my best effort. You can see that my grades in the college entrance examination were not bad. What's more, my brother was also a top student, a top student No matter how bad my brother's IQ is, he won't be so bad. Just give me a chance to prove myself. Even if you really can't pass the exam in the end, you have to try."

Qiao Muxia didn't fight so hard to prove himself, he didn't want to join the company, he didn't want to.

"I've already arranged for Mu Xia to take tutoring during the holidays. It's good to let him try. If he can really get into Tsinghua University, it's good to be able to take care of Tian Xin nearby."

This was Qiao Muqing's real purpose.

The younger brother, Mu Xia, doesn't think he doesn't study hard enough, and his grades are not particularly outstanding, but if he really works hard, he still has some hope of being admitted to Tsinghua University.As long as he arranges for him to find a few good teachers to help him improve, the chances of passing the exam will be even greater.

It's actually not that important that my younger brother won't get into graduate school. The important thing is that now Qiao Muqing needs someone who can be arranged by Tian Xin's side to watch those who have plans for Tian Xin.

I'm not afraid of competitors, but I can't let anyone around Tian Xin disturb her.It just so happened that Mu Xia said that he was going to be admitted to Tianxin's school. If he passed the exam, at least it would help Qiao Muqing to watch and report the situation in time, then...perfect!

"Yes, then you study hard, you must pass the exam, and take good care of Tianxin."

Xu Qingxia instantly understood what the elder son said, this kid is either not enlightened, but once he is enlightened, he is quite capable. Even his own younger brother was sent to be a spy, tsk tsk, he is really the same as his father back then.

Good boy has a future!

"Tianxin is so big, why does he need someone to take care of him? But it's a good thing for Mu Xia to take the postgraduate entrance examination. It's also a good choice to study more while he is young."

Although Chu Xin has a good relationship with the Qiao family, she still hasn't forgotten the Qiao family's plan to let the two brothers marry Tian Xin.Don't do this in the name of taking care of him, do you have any ideas?

That can't work, Tianxin should just take care of them themselves.By the way, Tian Xin will be living at school next semester, and Yue Xin can't pick up her sister every day, so who will take care of Tian Xin?She had to discuss this matter with Lao Su immediately when she went back.

"Ahem...are we digressing, let's talk about the studio and Mu Xia's postgraduate entrance examination later."

Qiao Muqing could see that Aunt Chu was still very defensive towards the two brothers, and it was not good to continue this topic, so she quickly brought back the topic of everyone's deviation.

(End of this chapter)

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