Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 311 Can't Lose to Wei Yanzhi

Chapter 311 Can't Lose to Wei Yanzhi

Qiao Muqing wanted to do good deeds to help the orphanage, but he was used to being a businessman, so he would inevitably be a little utilitarian.

He doesn't ask the children and the orphanage to give him anything in return, but he wants to use this matter to gain favor in front of Tian Xin.

He didn't care whether Wei Yanzhi had such a purpose at the beginning, but he absolutely couldn't lose to Wei Yanzhi in this matter.

Isn't Wei Yanzhi already loved by the children?Then he has to hurry up and catch up. After that, he plans to often come to cultivate relationships with the children by himself, and bring some gifts to play with the children. Children are actually very easy to please.

When he quietly catches up to or even surpasses Wei Yanzhi's status in the hearts of these children, and let Tian Xin know about it, then maybe he can add some favorability points to him.

Qiao Muqing admits that he is not a person with the heart of a child, but he is absolutely sincere to Tian Xin.

Although he may use some small means in the process, he definitely has his own bottom line.He wants to take advantage of the favorability of the children in front of Tianxin, but he will also give sincerely and really care for the children.

Exchange goodwill with heart, this seems to be a bit of a businessman's style that puts interests first, but there are also many people who use their sincerity.

He is not young anymore, and he has been fighting in the mall for several years. It is actually very unrealistic for him to return to Wei Yanzhi's state.

These two men, or a man and a big boy, both have a sincere heart for Tian Xin, but their attitudes and ways of expression are different, and it is impossible to say who is right and who is wrong.

Who can be the winner in the end depends on Tian Xinxin who can win in the end.

Sometimes the winning or losing of love is really not judged by reason and reason, this thing is very mysterious, maybe if you really want to find something to judge, then luck should be a very important factor.

Although Qiao Muqing has the title of "Unlucky God", compared to his own luck, he has never lost.


When the four of them arrived at Tsinghua University, Jin Li was already waiting.

"Miss Jin, do you want to leave the car here and get in the car and go together, or drive with us?"

Su Tian thought Jin Li asked her when she drove over.

"I'll drive there. I have to go back to Taili later to deal with the handover. It's a bit troublesome to come back to pick up the car."

Jin Li responded with a smile, she just resigned, and the TV station still has a lot of things to deal with.

Thinking about the arrogance on the deputy director's face when she handed in her resignation in the deputy director's office this morning, she wanted to laugh wildly when she heard that she would change her face instantly after opening a studio with Miss Su's family.

Jin Li knew exactly what kind of person their deputy director was.

She is good at flattering the high and stepping down the low. In the past, she was a little famous makeup artist who was never taken seriously by the other party. Now that she has climbed the path of Su Tianxin, the other party will say all kinds of good things without asking for money. It seemed to blurt out, and the listener really didn't know how to respond.

But Jin Li is also an old man who has been in the station for several years, and he is experienced in dealing with the deputy director, so he can handle it with a haha.Anyway, there will be fewer opportunities to meet in the future, and she won't be working under the deputy director's hand to see his face. On the contrary, the deputy director may still want to climb up the thigh of the Su family through Jinli, so don't be afraid to respond Not enthusiastic enough to offend the other party.

(End of this chapter)

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