Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 313 Don't Dismantle Qiao Muqing for the time being

Chapter 313 Don't Dismantle Qiao Muqing for the time being

"I would also like……"

Su Beibei was obviously not as daring as Miss Xiaojin to express her thoughts, but she also really liked it here.

The environment of this house is very good, and it is also close to the school. It can be reached by walking for a few minutes when there are no classes.Even if you don't work and stay here all day, you won't be bored.

"You all like it, actually..."

Su Tianxin had a serious face, and everyone couldn't see what she was thinking, especially Qiao Muqing who was a little nervous, afraid to hear that she didn't like it, after all, this was the first time he chose a gift with such care, compared to yesterday's supplementary gift The little bear mobile phone pendant, in fact, still needs more thought.

"Actually, I really like it too, hehe!"

Su Tian felt mischievous, and purposely put it off.

"It scared me to death. I thought you wouldn't be satisfied with such a nice house. Miss Su can scare people to death if she's scary.

By the way, Butler Zhang, is your butler service a community service? "

Jin Li is relieved to hear that Su Tianxin said that she likes it, but this house is also equipped with butler service and other management services, right?As a reliable partner, she calculated the cost for the eldest lady in advance.

Even if the eldest lady is not short of money, they still have to do their best to run the studio well with the eldest lady, otherwise, wouldn't the Su family think that she is an unreliable teammate who came to cheat the eldest lady's money?

If you want to have golden thighs to hug in the long run, you still have to work hard and pay.Changing people's hearts is an eternal rule. The richer you are, the more people will value your intentions. If you say that there are capable, capable, and even rich investors, there are everywhere. Little people like them Hey, I can't even rank.

"When Mr. Qiao bought the house, the company provided three years of real estate and housekeeping services. Within three years, all the indoor and outdoor properties of the house involved, as well as garden flower pruning and plant replacement in winter, and even My butler service is free."

When Zhang Peng said this, he was not guilty at all, as if it really happened.

Only Su Yuexin glanced at Qiao Muqing, but on the surface she didn't question anything.This guy said it was a gift, so let it be a gift.

Su Yuexin was asked in the morning, is the property in this community not given away at all?The price is not low, not to mention that the garden renovation and butler service are only provided by business needs.

Even if this developer sells to Qiao's face, he will not do such a loss-making business. Either Qiao Muqing spent the money, or he used other things to take advantage of the other party.

Send it directly for three years?He hehe...

But Qiao Muqing also had good intentions, and there was no need to expose him. This kid has taken a lot of heart towards Tian Xin recently, probably because he finally understands what he has done before and wants to make up for it.Then give him a chance.

"How about three years? That's really great, Tian Xin, we can save a lot of expenses in these three years."

Miss Xiaojin said happily.

"Well, Brother Mu Qing, thank you for your strong support to us. This house can help us solve a lot of problems." Su Tian was also very happy.

"It's fine if you like it. This house was originally given to you. Use it well and keep using it."

Su Tian knew that there were too many people and it was not the right time, so she didn't mention the rent.

"We have to make a simple plan, and then find a designer to come and redesign the place. This house is good, but as a studio, it is not perfect."

Su Tianxin pulled Su Beibei and Miss Xiaojin to get busy, and the housekeeper Zhang Peng also followed them to record their thoughts and needs.

(End of this chapter)

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