Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 317 Love Rival Is Injured

Chapter 317 Love Rival Is Injured

Regardless of how Su's mother Chu Xin praised Wei Yanzhi at home, Su Yuexin just couldn't accept it from the bottom of her heart.Probably because he has no eye for Wei Yanzhi.

Or maybe one is what Tian Xin likes, and the other just likes Tian Xin.The meaning is different, he just can't pass the test in his heart.

My sister is so good, she always finds someone she likes sincerely, not being influenced by anyone's ideas or the external environment, so that she can sincerely choose a partner instead of wronging herself.

When such a person appears, Su Yuexin may be able to accept it calmly.

In an instant Su Yuexin figured it out, he couldn't accept Wei Yanzhi now because the kid didn't get his sister's liking.No one can force her sister to dislike someone, so there is no need to worry about him taking Tianxin away right now.

After thinking about it this way, Su Yuexin suddenly became enlightened, and her mood improved a lot.

"Here, I'll park the car first and then you get off."

Su Yuexin's eyes were good, and seeing that there was a frozen area on the side of the hotel, it was difficult to get off the car, so she simply asked Tian Xin and the others to get off the car with him.


As soon as Su Tianxin raised her head, she was about to talk to her brother when she saw Wei Yan hit his head when he got out of the car, and she felt a headache just looking at that posture.

"what happened?"

Su Yuexin happened to miss this scene because of her words.

"That senior Wei hit his head, from the car door. Is he that tall? Can he hit his head when he gets off the car?"

Su Beibei also saw it, and thought it was amazing, under normal circumstances, the car wouldn't hit it with that swipe.

"He stepped on something under his feet. It wasn't ice, it was like a fruit peel. I watched his feet slide and hit it."

Tsk tsk, Su Tianxin once again expressed his awe of Qiao Muqing's "mildew god" physique.It is really a miracle that there are fruit peels at the door of the hotel in winter.The key is that Wei Yanzhi is usually quite stable, not a rash person.This kind of accident probably made him feel a little ashamed and hurt. I really sympathize with him.

It seemed that she really had to try to avoid riding in Qiao Muqing's car in the future. It was too dangerous. Although there was no major accident, she didn't want to get hurt, let alone lose face.

emmm... I feel a little sympathetic to Wei Yanzhi, but what should I do if he wanted to laugh when he fell just now?

Several people got out of the car and surrounded Wei Yanzhi with concern, asking him if the collision just now was serious or not.

Qiao Muqing was about to call for emergency services, but Wei Yanzhi kept waving his hands and said it was okay, as long as he changed it.

Su Yuexin reached out to touch the top of his head and found a big bag. It's really... This kid is really unlucky.

"It's a head hit, but it can be big or small. Let's go to the hospital. My private hospital treats this kind of injury very quickly. Yue Xin, help him sit aside for a while and I'll let the hospital send a car over."

Qiao Muqing didn't expect that Wei Yanzhi got injured after riding in his car once, and it was still in front of Tian Xin, which clearly meant to make Tian Xin worry.No, he has to be sent to the hospital. Whether it's good or bad, a doctor will take care of him.


"Wei Yanzhi, you should go and have a look. Hitting your head really hurts. I went to Qiao's hospital last time. The doctor treated the wound very well and was careful not to hurt so much."

Su Tian thought that Wei Yanzhi kept saying no because he was afraid of going to the hospital.This is a gimmick, if he gets fooled, will Qiao Muqing still have to take responsibility?Both of them are quite innocent, so let's go to the hospital as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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