Chapter 344

Su Yuexin felt that her mother was just too anxious.No matter how good Wei Yanzhi is, there is no need to be so eager to get Tian Xin and him together.

Tian Xin is still young, she has just turned 19, she is not afraid that she will not get married, so why is she in such a hurry to find a boyfriend.

Su Yuexin spoke out her thoughts, and Chu Xin took it for granted that she wanted Tian Xin to start a new relationship in order to make her forget Qiao Muqing and the hurt she had suffered before.

Su Yuexin chuckled and said, does Tianxin seem to be in trouble now?You don't have to fall in love to have a new start.

Tianxin is now preoccupied with doing something. On the one hand, she is looking for a sense of accomplishment. On the other hand, she is afraid that she is avoiding her mother. From time to time, she mentions letting her get in touch with boys more, and when she meets a suitable one, she can try to talk about feelings. up.

Recently, apart from Wei Yanzhi, there are quite a few so-called young talents who often have chance encounters in front of Tian Xin.

The idiot also saw the purpose of these people. His mother didn't show up to take care of her but supported her. If he didn't take Tian Xin to and from school every day, those people might have harassed her sister.It was him who wanted to hide too.

What Tian Xin needs now is not a boyfriend, but the understanding of her family.

"Am I really thinking wrong? But girls are the ones who want to marry. It's good to choose more while you are young. I am not in a hurry to let her marry so early, but I don't want to Let her be an old aunt."

Why doesn't Chu Xin love her daughter?It is because I love my daughter and know the difficulties of being a woman that I don't want my daughter to grow up and be cheated.Get in touch with boys more, and you can tell who is a real high-quality boy and what is a scumbag who looks good on the surface but is actually scumbag.

No matter how much others say, it is better to see with your own eyes and judge with your heart.This is actually a compulsory course for every rich girl, not just for Tian Xin.

The wives in the circle teach their daughters this way, and the famous ladies and ladies have not been exposed to these since they were just adults.Although the Su family's family business does not require Tian Xin to fight for a strong alliance for the Su family, or to get a wealthy husband, Chu Xin does not want her to be deceived by a duplicity scumbag in the future.

The reason why she likes Wei Yanzhi so much is not only because of her personal appreciation, but also because she thinks that the Wei family and Wei Yanzhi's character is reliable and worth entrusting.It is not easy to find such a boy. If she meets such a right man at the right time, if her daughter does not catch it, she may not lose her chance.

Daughters don't worry about getting married, but what kind of person and what kind of family they want to marry their daughter to is a big gamble for every mother, and the daughter's happiness depends on this big gamble.No one dares to make a judgment lightly, let alone place a bet lightly.

Without Tianxin, Wei Yanzhi is nothing more than a boy who in her eyes looks good in every way, that's all.If she didn't think about the future from the perspective of Tianxin, would she need to be so careful?

But now her son said she was wrong, she was a little too anxious, she asked herself, is she really like this?

But she really didn't know, she could only seek answers from her husband.

"Yuexin, your mother is not what you think, you misunderstood her."

The Su family is a very democratic family. Although the parents have the majesty of being parents, they are not monotonous. The couple encourages the children to express their feelings freely, so when Su Yuexin pointed out these things, Su Bai did not interject , He didn't speak until his son finished speaking and his wife was a little overwhelmed by the question.

(End of this chapter)

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