Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 346 The Immortal Parents Sprinkle Dog Food

Chapter 346 The Immortal Parents Sprinkle Dog Food

"Are you talking bad about me, little girl?"

Seeing her sister's cunning smile, Su Yuexin guessed that the little girl must be making fun of him.

"Secret, Dad, you have to keep it a secret."

Su Tianxin blinked at her father, and her father gave her a understanding look.The two really look like that.

"The phone call is over? What do you say?"

"No, Su Qing's family said that the painting has already been given to us, so they will not take it back. If we are really embarrassed to accept it, we will sell the painting to a regular museum or institution, and then use the money from the sale to help them Do some good deeds and accumulate some merit for Su Qing."

Su Tianxin was quite surprised by this result.She also met Su Qing's parents at school yesterday. They were a middle-aged couple who were dressed quite ordinary.Unexpectedly, when Su Tianxin told them the price of 5000 million just now, they were not moved at all, and even said that they would donate the money from selling the painting to help more people.

Maybe this couple is also a kind-hearted person who has accumulated good fortune in ordinary times, otherwise they would not have found their daughter by such a coincidence.Perhaps somewhere in the sky God took pity on them and let their family reunite.

After being reborn once, Su Tianxin firmly believes in such things as blessings.

"This family really wants to open it. It's rare. In that case, I'll call Mi Su first to see what he said, and then we can discuss about selling paintings."

Since the owner of the original painting is willing to sell the painting, and doesn't even plan to collect the money for selling the painting, then as long as the problem of Mi Su is solved now.

"Eat dinner before calling. What are you two doing? Why do you have to make so many calls?"

Chu Xin looked at the time and it was [-]:[-], and his son was still on the phone. Do you want to eat dinner?

"Tianxin explain, I'll go and make a call first."

Su Yuexin didn't have time to tell her parents about the ancient painting before, so she had to give it to her younger sister to explain.

"Tianxin, tell me, what are you guys busy with?"

The son ran upstairs, so he could only grab his daughter and ask.

"The thing is like this, on my birthday, brother Xiaomi, also my brother's friend Mi Su, gave me a gift..."

With the fastest speed, Su Tianxin told a complete story about the origin of the ancient painting and today's appraisal of the ancient painting.

"Is there such a thing? What about painting? Show me, if you have such a good thing, if you don't show it to Dad, Dad will love you for nothing."

Su Bai likes to play with purple sand pots and jade, but his favorite is old objects.Especially the manuscripts of famous predecessors, he has also dabbled.The collection of calligraphy and painting is less because the books in it are too deep and there are too many fakes, so he doesn't dare to touch those things.

I heard that he was cheated when he was a *long back then, but he grew up in the pile of antique porcelain, and even he often punched his eyes. Su Bai thinks that these things are not particularly capable, so he should try to touch them as little as possible.

Touching less doesn't mean he doesn't like it, especially when he heard that his daughter has an authentic ancient painting that has been appraised by experts, he must see it.

"Dad, you like this too?"

"Just ask your dad what he doesn't like? He's like an old antique. He just likes old things, and he doesn't know what he thinks about it."

Most of the women like bright and beautiful things. Apart from knowing that antiques and paintings are quite valuable, they really don't have much interest in learning about them.

"I like my wife the most, and my wife is more important than anything else."

My father took the opportunity to confess his love, and Su Tian swallowed a mouthful of dog food unexpectedly. What kind of fairy parents are these, do you want to show affection anytime and anywhere like this?

(End of this chapter)

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