Chapter 358

"Okay, I won't praise you anymore. Let the Fan family thank you when you find that little red stone. You gave me the credit last time. This time, you should accept their thanks yourself."

Su Tian knew in her heart that some people actually carried far more burdens than they seemed, who didn't have any secrets?It seems that Mi Su's secret is not small, and she doesn't want to delve into it, but she knows that this person is indeed a good person.

In fact, it makes sense when you think about it, even though Mi Su seems to be full of contradictions, but he can get along with his brother and Qiao Muqing for so long, at least it shows that this person can still treat friends well.Otherwise, how could the two young masters become friends with him? After all, everyone's circles are too different. Maybe it's because of Mi Su's personality that attracted them?

Thinking of this, Su Tian heartily looked at his brother and then at Qiao Muqing, laughing in his heart.Recently, I have been poisoned by Li Meng's various socialist brotherhood Amway, why do I have such thoughts in my mind?Need it or not.

"What's wrong? Is there something on our face?"

Qiao Muqing looked at the little girl who was just snickering, and asked her quietly.

"No, I think it's natural for the three of you to be friends. It's good to love and kill each other."

After saying that, Su Tian felt happy again, as if he really meant something.

"No, I'm straight, absolutely straight, little girl, open your eyes and see clearly, I used to be a straight guy who had many girlfriends, not like the two of them..."

"A lot of girlfriends? Tsk tsk? Looks like a glorious history."

Misu forgot that there was another girl he was planning to pursue, so he was stupid to reveal himself.

"Without me, that was just bragging, bragging."

Mi Su had never felt so stupid before, seeing Jin Li's half-smile expression, he suddenly felt his heart skip a beat, there something wrong with him?There are so many girls with good looks and good personalities, why does he seem to be really attracted to this one? It's over...

An inexplicable love at first sight?One is indifferent from the beginning to the end, it is really a good show, but watching the show is the show, there is still business.

"In the evening, I will go back to the orphanage with Beibei to look for that ancient seal. Maybe I can find it with Su Qing or her close sister. Let's talk about our studio first. The procedures are completed. Miss Jin, check it out." Let’s see if there is anything missing.”

Su Tianxin brought the topic back to the main topic with a few words, especially when Jin Li heard that the formalities in the studio were all done, she looked at Su Yuexin with a smile on her face.

"It's not with me, he has it, he handles it."

Su Yuexin pointed to the side, and then dragged her sister to the sofa next to her to make room for the two to check.

"By the way, Tianxin, how is your recruiting going?"

"It's still a little bit worse. But my mother and Aunt Xu helped introduce two people from the big studio, one is a stylist, and the other is in charge of clothing matching. Sister Xiaojin also has a classmate who was pulled over by her. In addition, there is a student from my side. My sister can come to work part-time. For the time being, these people are enough. What is lacking now is the front desk clerk, but I am not so picky. The recruitment has been posted on the Internet. I can call for an interview when the furniture is delivered this weekend. In addition, the security and cleaning aunts One of each has already been found by the housekeeper."

Not to mention it's nice to have a butler, at least you don't have to worry too much about trivial matters.

(End of this chapter)

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