Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 364 Xiao Han who was taken care of

Chapter 364 Xiao Han who was taken care of

In fact, no matter how busy Su Yuexin is, he still cares about his younger sister the most. The reason why he can safely hand over his younger sister to the driver is because he personally selected the driver.Xiao Han is not only a female driver with excellent professional skills, but also a female bodyguard.The family didn't tell Su Tianxin about this.

Not telling Su Tianxin was afraid that she would not like to bring bodyguards by her side, but also to hide the identity of Xiao Han's bodyguards, just in case.

I'm afraid it's hard for ordinary people to imagine that a thin and small girl has won the national fighting championship.It is precisely because of this that when it comes to the critical moment, this can have an unexpected effect.


"Mother Su, I'm here again."

As soon as Su Tianxin entered the orphanage, she saw Mama Su greeting her happily.

"Come on, come on, don't leave tonight, Mama Su will cook something delicious for you."

Mother Su was also very happy to see her. Yesterday she was talking about the little girl with Su Beibei.

"Okay, I'll call home later. Let me introduce you to my driver, Miss Han. I've brought an extra person with me. Let her have a taste of your skills."

Mother Su hasn't met Xiao Han yet, so when Su Tianxin came over, she planned to have dinner here at night.He brought Xiao Han in together.

"Miss Xiaohan will try more of Su's mother's handicraft in a while, and I will often come with Tianxin in the future."

Mother Su is so kind to everyone, and she also warmly entertained Xiao Han who came to the door for the first time.

"Thank you."

Xiao Han didn't like to talk very much, and it was probably rare for her to be treated so enthusiastically. Her shy look made Su's mother laugh, and Su's mother led the three of them to the reception room.

"Do you think Mother Su likes the new and dislikes the old? I seem to have fallen out of favor, why Xiaohan seems to be more popular than me."

Su Tian pursed her lips, feeling a little bit hungry.

"Come on, you, Mama Su is kind to everyone, maybe because she looks at Xiao Han's thin and small appearance and thinks she doesn't have enough to eat? You really want to take care of her?"

Not to mention that Su Beibei's words reminded Su Tianxin. She also remembered that Mama Su always felt that thin children eat too little, and she always liked to tell them to eat more. Look at Miss Xiao Han's figure, Well, it does meet the conditions for being taken care of by Su's mother. If that's the case...she won't eat it, haha, she's looking forward to dinner, she remembers that Miss Han really doesn't eat much.

Probably in the evening, I can see the picture of Su’s mother continuing to bring food to others. I don’t know how Miss Xiao Han will respond. Will she bite the bullet and finish eating, or refuse politely?

The sense of picture is too strong, Su Tian is happy.

"Okay, don't be amused. Let's catch up and ask Mother Su if she still has any impressions of Xiaoqing's red stone, and then go to the house where Xiaoqing lived to look for it."

Su Beibei was anxious to help the Fan family find that ancient seal, but don't let the children throw it away like an ordinary stone.

"Okay, you come to ask, I will help you find it."

It's important to do business, Su Tianxin also accepted the joke.Unlike Su Beibei who was worried about not being able to find the ancient seal, now she was thinking more about how to 'find' the ancient seal naturally.

After all, the place where she and Su Qing hid is really not easy for people to notice.

That ancient seal was hidden by Su Tianxin for Su Qing when she was a child.At that time, Su Qing felt that the little red stone was not good-looking at all, and there was a word on it, but she also knew that it was worn on her body since she was a child, so she dared not throw it away.

(End of this chapter)

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