Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 37 Now You Are An Angel

Chapter 37 Now You Are An Angel

Su's enterprise is very large and covers a wide range of industries.

This means more job opportunities.

There are many children in the orphanage who study hard and have strong abilities.

If the Su Corporation gives them a chance under Su Tianxin's help in the future, more people will definitely enter the big company.

Not only good development, but also high salary.

When returning to the orphanage, it will be easier than before.

Su Tian felt that this matter could be carried out slowly in the later stage, and the donation matter should be settled first.

"Okay, let's go now. The dean's mother was still worrying about the lack of funds this morning.

Your donation is so timely.

thanks, thanks. "

Su Beibei was so excited, Su Tianxin was now an angel in her eyes.

"Don't we have classes early in the morning?

Go now, skipping class, isn't it? "

Su Tianxin looked at the excited Su Beibei, and was also happy, but skipping class is not a good habit.

"That's right, I'm so happy that I forgot about going to class.

Let's go to class.

I'll take you with that, hurry up. "

After Su Beibei said it, he regretted it a little.

Su Tianxin is the daughter of a rich family, how could she sit on the back seat of her bicycle.

"Okay. I haven't ridden a bicycle yet, so please ride slowly and don't drop me."

Su Tianxin used to ride a bicycle, let alone a car, for many years.

But in her current status, she really has never sat before.

"No problem, I can ride a bike with my younger siblings at a very young age.

Don't worry, my technique is very good. "

Su Beibei, who was prepared to be rejected, never expected that Su Tian's heart would be so approachable.

Make sure you don't drop her.

Although Su Beibei didn't hate Su Tianxin before, they didn't like her much either.

After all, they are people from two worlds.

Apart from being classmates in the same class and taking classes together, there is basically no intersection, and there will not be much contact in the future.

If you don't understand it, you can't talk about hating or liking it.

But she knew that Su Tianxin never laughed at her because she was an orphan.

It was because of this that she had a good impression of Su Tianxin before.

And that's all.

But today, Su Beibei's affection for Su Tianxin is overwhelming.

This is simply a representative of kindness and kindness.

"Let's go then."

Su Tian smiled sweetly, causing Su Bei's heart to go numb.

Oh my god... this young lady is so beautiful...

The two walked and talked in front, their voices were not loud, but Jiang Ling had been quietly observing Su Tianxin and Su Beibei's conversation.

Seeing Su Beibei's excited look, and seeing that Su Tianxin was obviously much closer to Su Beibei than when she was with her, Jiang Ling regretted it for a while.

If I had known earlier, she would have thicker skinned and followed them.

It's really hateful to miss Su Tianxin's good mood and let Su Beibei have the opportunity to get close to her.

Su Beibei was so happy that he didn't notice Jiang Ling's gaze at all. The two got on their bicycles and headed towards the classroom.


Monday's classes are all concentrated in the morning, and there are no classes in the afternoon.

After attending class all morning, Su Tianxin planned to take Su Beibei to have lunch, and then go to the orphanage to handle the donation.

"Let's go after dinner. What do you want for lunch? I'll treat you to the cafeteria."

With Su Tianxin's personality, he would definitely not choose the school cafeteria when he invites someone to eat.

But if she chooses a high-end restaurant outside, she is afraid that the stingy classmate Su Beibei will be so sad that she will not be able to eat the expensive meals.

So simply focus on the customer.

 Thank you for the rewards from the little angels "Tonsillitis" and "Blessed Two Cakes", thank you.



(End of this chapter)

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