Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 377 I'm a bit of an eyesore

Chapter 377 I'm a bit of an eyesore

"Why did you talk to your mother instead of telling your father that the money is not enough?"

Dad Su Bai actually cares about such things?

"This... Is there any difference between talking to mother and talking to you?"

Su Tian really didn't understand why Dad was unhappy.

"Of course it's different. It means that you have a better relationship with your mother. When you were young, you said you liked your father the most, then you said you liked your elder brother the most, and then it was that kid Mu Qing. After all, there is nothing to do with that kid now. You are closer to your mother, you probably have forgotten my favorite father, right?"

Dad's jealousy really makes people feel dumbfounded.

"You are really promising, why? Are you planning to snatch my daughter from me?"

Chu Xin was also amused by her father's jealous logic.

"I'm not, I'm just..."

Ah, Su Bo forgot that his wife was still there, it seemed too obvious that he wanted to grab attention with such a big fanfare.

"I always thought that the two of you were one, and I said it to my mother, which means the same as what my father said. It doesn't seem to be the case..."

"I also found out that your father clearly distinguished me from him."

"No, that's not what I meant. I didn't have that idea. I didn't want to make a clear distinction with you. My daughter was looking for you when she was looking for me. I was confused just now. I was wrong. I was really wrong. Don't be angry."

Su Bai felt that his brain was probably flooded, and he had something awkward just now, and now he got himself into it. It's over, although my wife hasn't been angry with him for a long time, but he can still feel the strong urge to explode If there is an atmosphere of war, the best and fastest way is to act first.

"Oh? You think I'm going to be angry, so you say these words to coax me?"

"No, these are the truth. Tianxin is our daughter. Daughter and mother are better. It's a matter of course. I was not clear-headed just now, and I was talking nonsense. Just pretend you didn't hear it."

Su Bai's theory that they are completely different from each other really opened Su Tian's eyes, but at this moment, she felt that it would be better for her to go back to her room, as being here seemed a bit of an eyesore.

"I'll go back to the room first, the parents, I'll take the seal first, you guys talk slowly, talk slowly."

Su Tianxin took the ancient seal and went upstairs.

"Look at you, you scared your daughter away again. You are jealous that your daughter has a good relationship with me, so you should be more careful when speaking in front of her."

"My daughter is tired. I didn't scare you. Madame, are you in a better mood now? In fact, I really never thought about making a clear distinction with you..."

Hearing the voice of his parents behind him, Su Tian smiled heartily.My parents, who are living treasures, really love each other all year round.

Although as a daughter, she sometimes feels a little embarrassed, but she actually envies the relationship between her parents and her husband.I don't know if she will be able to find someone who treats her so well in the future, and who can still be so loving at this age.

No, what is she thinking?How can someone who doesn't even plan to talk about love think of something so far away?Really, it seems that she is still a little free.Wait a little later to practice and do the homework assigned by Mr. Avette yesterday.

By the way, this time she is learning waffles, waffles that can make all kinds of delicious changes, just suitable for bringing to the children tomorrow, she will bake more when she practices later.

(End of this chapter)

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