Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 379 How can I refuse without a confession?

Chapter 379 How can I refuse without a confession?

Su Tianxin always forgets this fact in a trance, but it's okay if she can't be her sister and be a good friend, she thinks she and Beibei will be good friends for a lifetime.

"By the way, is Wei Yanzhi here?"

The two stood at the door talking for a long time before Su Tian remembered to ask Wei Yanzhi.

"Already here, he arrived half an hour earlier than you. He is drawing pictures with the children inside."

Su Beibei pulled Su Tianxin to walk in, and said.

"Oh, he seems to like children too."

"I think he likes you more?"

"Why are you here too? Why do you want to be a matchmaker like Jiang Ling? Or?"

"Don't get me wrong, I just want to remind you, it has no other meaning. These days, everyone thinks that Senior Wei treats you differently from others. There are a lot of rumors in the school, and what you hear will never be better than what I hear Less? How are you going to deal with it? Never mind, let them talk casually, or make it clear? "

Su Beibei actually has something else she wants to tell Su Tianxin, but she has already promised the other party not to say anything, so she can only continue to hold back.

"Rumours? Misunderstood what's wrong with him? Or what did he do to me? I really can't stop this kind of thing. But I can't do it clearly. I always feel that the two of us are very clear. I don't know why we still Some people will make up their minds.

Taking a step back, even if he really has something for me, but Wei Yanzhi himself has never confessed it, even if the whole world thinks he likes me, he has never expressed anything in this regard, how can I make it clear ?

I can't just run up to him like an idiot and say, 'Hey, you don't like me, I don't want to be in a relationship right now', can I?

You have to confess before you refuse, right?

He and I are just ordinary friends now, less contact than Fang Ting, right?Why does no one think that Fang Ting and I have anything to do?It's just that I don't have a boyfriend, and he doesn't have a girlfriend. Everyone thinks that we have a problem when we talk a few more words. If you really have something in your heart, you will see something.

He and I are in the same news group now, and the time we have the most contact with each other is when we go to record the news, so that is the contact at work, right?

The reason we meet is not because the school work is a certain activity, or else there are several chance encounters on the road when we are with you.Has anyone ever seen an affair like this?I am also convinced. In this situation, rumors continue to spread in the school, and everyone can continue to misunderstand it. It is simply poisonous.

Although to be honest, I admire Wei Yanzhi quite a lot, but it's not the kind of appreciation that everyone thinks.Then there are still quite a few boys who appreciate Wei Yanzhi's personality and excellent ability, so they can't all feel that everyone has something for him, can they?But this analogy seems a bit inappropriate, there are boys who are crooked now, huh?Who knows lol.

But that's what it means anyway.Do you understand what I'm saying?If even you can't understand, then I really want to vomit blood. "

Su Tianxin was always mentioned about Wei Yanzhi, she had actually had conflicts, especially her family always felt that she should hold onto such a good boy as Wei Yanzhi.

But just like what she said to her brother before, emotional matters can't be forced.Some people are very good, but just being a good person does not necessarily make her the one who moves her heart.

Such a good person, Su Tianxin also knows that it is very rare, but maybe the timing is not right now.

(End of this chapter)

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