Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 421 The plane really went wrong

Chapter 421 The plane really went wrong

Oh, Su Tianxin forgot about this.

It's no wonder she didn't think of it in advance, the main reason is that she has only been a daughter for half a year, and there are some things in her impression that she may not be able to imagine in a short time.

Both the Qiao family and the Su family have private jets, but generally, as long as the two families go on business or vacation, as long as they don't go to particularly remote places or places where there are too few flights and the time is inconvenient, everyone still likes to travel by airline flights.

Private jets are no longer a rare thing, and almost all larger companies and wealthy families buy them.

But still can't reach completely replacing the plane of taking the airline in use.Affordability is not the main factor to consider.The key is that airlines now have many flight routes, and the scheduled flights are relatively full. Private jets need to apply for routes in advance, and there are more procedures.

In comparison, it is more convenient and quicker to take the plane of the airline directly.You can walk away according to the itinerary and plan changes at any time.

Qiao Muqing made two phone calls and arranged for a private jet to fly to country F.

And Su Tianxin also told Su Beibei and Han Bing that she would follow Qiao Muqing to inquire about the grounding of the plane.

By the way, I also explained that Qiao Muqing has already arranged for them to fly to Country F together in Qiao's private jet.After a while, Qiao Muqing's special assistant will come back to help them deal with the issue of ticket refunds. The two of them just need to stay here and wait for him to come back.

"Miss Su, I'll go with you. I'm a little worried because there are so many people at the airport."

Han Bing is Su Tianxin's personal bodyguard, although he usually follows Su Tianxin as a driver.And she did not forget her duty.

The airport was very crowded and crowded. Although Qiao Muqing followed Su Tianxin, Han Bing was still a little worried and wanted to go with him.

"Miss Xiaohan, let's wait for them here. There's nothing to worry about. We can lose two people who are so big. Besides, if they are really lost, wouldn't there be police uncles here?"

"Don't worry Xiaohan, I will take Tianxin with me. Even if I lose her, I can't lose her. This is not far from where we are going. It is about 200 meters away from the lounge. I will be back in a while." gone."

Su Beibei didn't know Han Bing's identity, but Qiao Muqing did, so he explained so patiently.

The two finally had the chance to be alone, and Qiao Muqing didn't want to let it go.It is his limit to be able to lower his figure and explain to Han Bing.

"Okay then, contact me anytime if you need anything."

Han Bing didn't want to insist too much, after all, the Su family didn't want Su Tian to know the identity of her bodyguard yet.

"Ok, no problem."

Su Tianxin and Qiao Muqing went out of the lounge and found the person in charge of the airport under his leadership.

The other party began to evade all the time, just saying that the plane had a mechanical failure and needed to replace parts, and this part might have to wait, so it was grounded.

But such an excuse did not deceive Qiao Muqing.

With Qiao Muqing repeatedly demanding to know the real reason for the grounding, the other party could only apply to the superior for permission to tell the truth.

The plane sadly reported problems that were considered uncontrollable, and the specific problems could only be discussed privately with the two of them.It is a very serious safety issue, so the plane is indeed unable to fly now.

(End of this chapter)

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