Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 423: Tsundere and Cute

Chapter 423: Tsundere and Cute

"You guys are back. If you don't come back, Miss Han should go find someone."

As soon as the two pushed open the door of the lounge, Su Beibei ran over.

"Where is that exaggerated, I just asked something. By the way, I want to go to the bathroom and ask Brother Mu Qing to explain to you what we did just now."

There are two separate toilets in the lounge, just so they don't need to be too far away from everyone's sight, and they don't have to follow them.

"go Go."

Su Beibei was afraid that she would be in a hurry, so he let her go.

After entering the bathroom, Su Tianxin quietly released the little spot of light that had been clutched in the palm of her hand.

"What the hell are you? How can you still talk?"

Su Tian came to the bathroom in a hurry not because of his personal situation, but because of this little thing.

"Why are you so rude? I'm not a thing. I'm an elf. Do you know elves?"

Yo, the little thing is not happy anymore.Elf?It's not a fairy tale, why is there such a thing?Su Tianxin decided that she was a little confused.

"I'm really an elf, don't you believe it. Everything in this world can have spirits, but not all living creatures with spirits can become elves, but our elves are even more powerful with their intelligence!"

The little guy spoke in a very proud tone.

"A elf who can shout for help is really powerful."

Su Tian ruthlessly exposed it.

"It's different. I was in trouble just now. It's usually very serious."

The little light point is quite aggrieved, it is really powerful, why does this young lady not believe it at all.

"Let's not discuss whether you are serious or not. Tell me first, why you shouted for help before, and I was the only one who could hear you?"

Su Tian wanted to prove that she was not crazy or dreaming.Inexplicably saved such a little one, and even chatted with it just like that.

"I don't know. I originally wanted other elves to save me, but I didn't expect a mortal to hear me. Now that I can catch up, I don't dislike you as a mortal. You saved me. I want to Thank you."

"Thank you for not giving up. It's like I want to save you. Aren't you a powerful elf? Is there anything else you don't know?"

Su Tian felt that she really didn't want to talk to this little thing, and said she was rude, who was being rude?Is this the attitude towards a savior?

"I...Of course there are things I don't know. I'm just an elf, not a god. My grandfather said that only gods can go to the sky and go to the underground."

The little light spot doesn't feel ashamed at all, it's still young, so it's not surprising that it doesn't know much.

"You still have grandpa?"

"Of course, don't look down on us, okay?"

Xiaoguangdian was quite unconvinced when she heard Su Tianxin's tone.

"Then what the hell are you... Ah no, what kind of elf are you? I always see you as just a small spot of light with no specific form. Of course I don't know that you have a grandfather."

Su Tian felt that this little light spot was a bit arrogant, but she was still quite cute.

"My luster is beautiful, right? I'm the most beautiful elf in our family right now. If you want to see my real body, tell me earlier."

The little dot of light jumped up, the light gradually receded, and a little dot fell into Su Tianxin's palm.


"Yes, I am a pearl elf! Am I beautiful?"

"Oh, so it's clam essence..."


Su Tian seemed to hear the sound of vomiting blood...

(End of this chapter)

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