Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 43 Be A Little Maid

Chapter 43 Be A Little Maid

" about I write an IOU, can I pay in installments, and let your family pay for it first?

I promise to pay back. "

Su Beibei really couldn't think of any good ideas.

"Even if you don't eat or drink, I'm afraid it won't be finished.

Why don't you just sign a contract of selling yourself and be my little maid in the future. "

Su Tianxin didn't expect Beibei to be so cute and pay in installments.

"This... is fine.

But I have to talk to Mother Su. "

Su Beibei is really a good boy.

He agreed without hesitation.

"I was kidding you.

Now is the new society, where is there such a thing as a contract of sale?

Don't worry about this matter, anyway, it's already like this, just give me a chance to be a free online celebrity. "

Su Tianxin naturally wouldn't let the Su family take money to remove hot searches.

Still the same sentence, it hurts to spend so much money on this.

"Does your family agree?"

Su Beibei was still worried.

This matter is indeed a drag on Su Tian's heart, she can't just apologize and do nothing.

"Don't worry about it, I'll take care of it.

Don't talk about your sister again, don't scare the children.

By the way, say it for me, thank her for liking. "

Su Tianxin has always been very kind to the younger brothers and sisters in the orphanage, and Su Qing has a very good relationship with her.

She also instructed Su Beibei in her own heart.

"Thank you, thank you Tianxin."

Su Beibei was almost made to cry by Su Tianxin's instructions.

Why didn't she realize that her classmate, who had the same name as Sister Tian Xin, was so similar.

They are all so kind, so good.

Su Beibei felt that her sister Tian Xin had returned.

"You're welcome, sister Beibei."

Su Tian's heart was moved for a moment, and he also blurted out the past address for Beibei's sister.


Su Beibei was taken aback for a moment.

"Ah, I remember you seem to be younger than me.

You were frightened just now, but you will have a sister covering you in the future, so don't be afraid. "

Su Tianxin quickly found an excuse to fool her.

"Then if you need anything, just give me a call.

Don't do it alone. "

Su Beibei was fooled away just like that.

But it is still very responsible to add a sentence.


The two hung up the phone and Su Tianxin went to find her brother Su Yuexin.

If you want to get over this matter, you have to ask your brother to help in the end.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk..."

"Come in."

Hearing the footsteps, he knew it was his sister Tian Xin. When did the little girl enter her room and knock on the door?

Is this knowing the rules, or is it a matter of birth?

Su Yuexin felt a little uncomfortable.

"Brother, I want to ask you for help."

Su Tianxin opened the door and came in, so she was not polite, and went straight to the point.

"What help?"

Su Yuexin felt much more comfortable when she saw her younger sister's rude appearance.

The little girl is still the same little girl, and she is the first to think of her brother for help when something happens, that's right.

Su Yuexin is not afraid that his sister will trouble him, he is only afraid that his sister will forget him as a brother.

Although this possibility is very low, when Su Yuexin thinks of such a possibility, he feels panicked in his heart.

Anyway, from now on, he has to take strict precautions, and he must not let his younger sister be taken away by the big bad wolf.

"I was accidentally shot by a little girl and posted on the Internet, and then it seemed to have such a big impact."

Su Tianxin just said in front of Su Beibei that everyone is fine, but after all, it is the first time that Su Tianxin has caused trouble for the family, Su Tianxin is still a little nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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