Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 438 The Elf Who Wants To Eat

Chapter 438 The Elf Who Wants To Eat

"Okay, okay, don't grow any longer, you can eat, and you can eat a lot, stop now."

Su Tianxin looked at such a big balloon and was afraid that it would blow up directly, it would be too scary.

As soon as Su Tianxin's words uttered, Little Pearl finally stopped the speed of swelling, and instantly returned to her previous tiny appearance.

"You are so powerful. You can also change into big and small. Then can you transform? Turn into a human and let me see?"

"What if I am Monkey King? It will change 72 times."

"Yo, you also know Monkey King, oh yes, you also know Tang Seng. Are you not an elf? Why don't you transform?"

"That's a high-level spell. My grandfather doesn't even know how to use it. Do you think it's written in the story? Any ghost can transform. It's not that easy."

Little Pearl felt that she was underestimated again, so she quickly yelled, not because she was incapable, but because it was really too difficult.

"It turns out that not all ghosts can transform, that's good, that's good."

"What good?"

"I won't be fooled by the people around me. After I met you, I realized that there are really spirits in this world. What if it's all spirits, oh no, half of them will turn into human forms or something, in case I The people around me are turned into ghosts, how scary it is."

Su Tian felt creepy when he thought about it, what if the people around him were not all real people... Huh!very scary.

"That's right, you mortals are timid anyway. This will not scare you."

"I'm the benefactor who saved you. Treat me better. Didn't I just ask you because I don't understand? If I understand everything, do I still need to ask you? I'm just a mortal. I don't think you were born as a ghost. See Those who are well-informed have to be rescued by me, a mortal."

These two have only known each other for less than a day, and it seems that they have already started the mode of falling in love and killing each other.

No wonder Su Tianxin said that.The main reason is that this little guy is too arrogant, and he always looks like you mortals are lowly creatures, which makes him uncomfortable.

She saved it out of a kind heart, but she didn't intend to let it be so arrogant in front of her. She had to teach it manners.

"Aren't I used to it? Well, I'll pay attention in the future. Do you have any other problems this time? If not, I'll go to recuperate."

People have to bow their heads under the eaves.Little Pearl knows that it needs Su Tian's heart now, so it doesn't dare to be so arrogant anymore, and admits it when it should.

"No problem, go to bed when you're tired, I just planned to call for breakfast."

Su Tian deliberately angered it, although she had already had breakfast on the plane this morning, but just now she heard the little guy said that it can eat, so it doesn't matter to eat it again, eat it by yourself and watch, hehe, it's a good idea.

"Breakfast? Eat? I won't sleep. I'm awake now. Let me accompany you."

Little Pearl thought too beautifully, she thought that Su Tianxin was inviting her to have breakfast together, but in the end...

Ten minutes later, when the food in the guest room was delivered, Little Pearl could only watch Su Tian eat happily...

Another 5 minutes passed...

"Miss, can you give me a bite of this steak? I'm so hungry..."

Little Pearl couldn't bear it any longer, so she could only ask Su Tian's heart.

"I didn't hear clearly, what did you call me?"

"Lovely young lady, the most beautiful and kind young lady, can I have a bite of this steak, I'm really hungry..."

What is dignity and pride for eating?All can be discarded.

(End of this chapter)

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