Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 46 Start with Weaknesses First

Chapter 46 Start with Weaknesses First

"Ask Yue Xin later."

Su Bo knew that his company's PR department would never dare to conceal this matter.

The only thing that can cause the current situation is that someone let the public relations department let it go.

Apart from Su Bai, the only one who has this authority is his own son.

"I'm going to ask."

Chu Xin wanted to find out what was going on right away, so she got up and changed clothes to find her son.

"It's only six o'clock, go to bed later, it's too early."

Su Bai stretched out his hand and pulled his wife back.

"It is late……"

"My son hasn't gotten up either."

"Wake up early, my son is working out at five o'clock every morning."

"You're gone, and I'm the only old man pitiful."

"Then... well, let's go later."

Chu Xin was most afraid of her husband pretending to be pitiful.

Although both of them are old, they still habitually accommodate at this time.

This old couple is really the same as the two couples in Qiao's family.

Decades have been like a day, and the love is incomparable.

The Su family and the Qiao family are children of the front and rear.

If the names of the two brothers of the Qiao family were said to be the expression of love from Qiao's father to Qiao's mother, the Su family would not give in too much.

Isn't it obvious for Yue Xin and Tian Xin to make Su's mother, Chu Xin, happy and sweet to the heart?

Tsk tsk... Mature men's tricks to coax their wives are really...

The rank is too high, I can't afford to provoke, I can't afford to provoke...


"Yue Xin, what's going on?"

Before breakfast, before my daughter came downstairs.

Father Su called his son over.

"This... is what you see.

Your daughter, my sister, has become a hot search amidst the enthusiasm of many netizens.

A little red.

I've seen this video, and it's nothing deliberate.

On the contrary, the netizens are overwhelmingly praising your daughter and my sister for having a good birth.

Are you and my mother very proud? "

My own parents, I know.

This video is nothing to begin with, and when everyone commented on Tian Xin's good looks, they also praised her parents for making a good life, and some even speculated that the parents must also be very good looking.

I'm afraid my father is already happy in his heart, right?

Hehe, human beings have weaknesses, it's easy to know the weaknesses.

"But no matter what, once your sister is on the trending list, she is exposed to the public.

Cyber ​​violence is the worst.

There are many keyboard warriors now, but who knows if there are none now, and will they say nasty things in the future.

Where did your sister suffer?

It looks like you told people not to close it? "

Father Su was naturally happy when his daughter was praised.

But it's not that simple.

"We can't keep Tianxin at home for the rest of our lives, let her not see anyone.

We can protect her now, but in the future.

In the future, if she joins the Su family, can she not show up in public at all? "

Su Yuexin was also worried about the same problem.

"That's different, now that she's young."

Su Bai didn't understand why his son suddenly didn't agree with him.

"Tian Xin is almost 20 years old.

She's an adult, not a kid.

We used to think that if we protected her well, she would not be harmed.

But the better we protect her, the easier it is for others to take advantage of her.

It is impossible for Tian Xin to live in the castle all his life.

What should be faced and what should be experienced should also be experienced by her.

I suppressed her real identity, now on the Internet, she is just an ordinary girl.

Did you not read the reviews online?Everyone not only praised Tianxin for being beautiful, but more people paid attention to her kindness.

I just experienced the previous things, and suddenly there are so many strange praises and affirmations at this time.

For Tianxin, it is also a powerful agent to restore self-confidence. "

(End of this chapter)

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