Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 466 Mr. Wolf the Magician

Chapter 466 Mr. Wolf the Magician

"It turned out to be Mr. Wolfe, my God, he is the kindest magician, I actually met him."

It seems that the little hamster is very happy, very happy, and he no longer looks nervous and scared before.Judging from the little hamster's attitude, Su Tian felt relieved.

"Tianxin, do you know this old man?"

Su Beibei asked Su Tianxin in a low voice.

"I don't know. I haven't been to this store before, and I don't know this old man. It's probably because the old man is a better person. That's why I say so."

Su Tianxin didn't know why the old man said he wanted to give her something, maybe it was because she brought an elf, but she couldn't tell Su Beibei the reason, so she could only casually say something about the old man.

"Can you tell me about this Mr. Wolfe?"

Su Tian was very curious, why the little hamster's attitude changed so much before and after, it seems that the little hamster probably really knew each other, just heard some deeds of the other party or something.

"Actually, we elves were the first to live on this continent. Humans came into existence later. After humans slowly occupied this continent, the range and places where elves can move became less and less. Affect the future development of this elf family

Later, in order to survive, the elves tried to drive humans out of the territory they lived in.Because of their unique talents, the elves set up barriers in these places.

It turned the place where the elves live into a place that humans feel is dangerous and mysterious.Since then, human beings have no way to occupy the land as unscrupulously as before, such as forests, mountains, lakes and seas. The places where the elves gather most are places where there are hidden dangers for them.

But even so, it didn't stop human beings from wantonly occupying the land. Later, some talented people appeared among human beings. They could perceive the spirit of heaven and earth, that is, these people could feel or even see the existence of elves.They were able to break through the barriers set by the elves to a certain extent, and led humans to invade the elves' territory.

Finally, a great war broke out, a war between humans and elves.In this war, both humans and elves suffered heavy losses, and the two sides also realized that only when they live in peace with each other can they develop together and have a future.

So Renlai and the elves signed a peace and friendship agreement, complementing each other and interfering without harming each other.

But the agreement belongs to the agreement, there will still be some demon mages secretly catching elves among human magicians, and then want to obtain the talents of elves for their use.

In the past 600 years, the natural climate has become worse and worse, and the talents acquired by the elves are not as good as before. We used to be able to compete with magicians, but now more and more elves like me are so weak that Even a first-level magician can't resist it.

So now when we see the magician, we hide as much as we can.After all, no one knows whether the other party is a demon mage. If one encounters a demon mage, it will really be over.

Mr. Wolfe is not a person, but a pronoun. They are elves and human peace messengers. The old man in our family said that if there is a demon mage, Mr. Wolfe will save us, but the premise To find Mr. Wolfe.

I didn't expect that I would be so lucky to meet it, it's great, it's great! "

"Then how do you know that this old man is Mr. Wolfe?"

"He has engraved letters on his head..."

(End of this chapter)

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