Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 477 No chance to help

Chapter 477 No chance to help

The method of creme brulee is very simple. Prepare eggs, egg yolks, whipped cream, sugar and other ingredients, and after several steps such as boiling, coagulation, stirring, melting, sieving, and baking, you can make a very delicious pudding. .Its shape is pleasing to the eye, and the taste is tender and Q-bomb.

However, although the steps of boiling the syrup seem simple, it is directly related to the taste of the final product.

Butter cookies are even simpler, the main materials are flour, eggs and so on.The taste is sweet and crisp.

However, when the eggs are added to the butter, they must be added in batches, and each time they are beaten until the eggs and butter are safely blended before the next time.Be sure not to overdo it so that egg-oil separation does not occur.The butter doesn't need to be overbeaten.

Speaking of which, the two snacks are a special test of craftsmanship and experience.

Although there are more than a dozen pastry chefs in the kitchen waiting for Su Tianxin to deploy, they can definitely help Su Tianxin with these trivial and troublesome steps, but she intends to do every step by herself, except for everyone's help. Apart from taking the container, she has no intention of being lazy. After all, as a pastry chef, only she can master the taste.

The same formula, the same steps are handed over to different people, and there will really be great differences.

This high-end hotel opened in country F is also owned by a famous pastry master like Evitt. The pastry chefs here are naturally better than those in the hotels outside.

Originally, everyone was very curious about Master Avette taking in a little Chinese girl as a student. Today I heard that she would borrow the kitchen to make snacks for the evening banquet.

Tonight's dinner, except for the two kinds of dim sum made by Su Tianxin herself, the others are all from the pastry kitchen of this hotel.

They are also pastry chefs, so let’s not say that they want to compete with each other, but everyone is also curious to see what amazing desserts this master’s new student can make.

After all, as colleagues, they are still the pastry chefs who come to work in this hotel because of Master Avitt. They also want to see how Master Avitt accepts students and how this young lady is better than them. An outsider got there first.Their internal competition was also very fierce before, and everyone tacitly thought that one day in the future, among those who worked with Master Avette, sooner or later, one of them would be his student.

Although everyone is unwilling, Master Avette is not only a famous pastry chef, but also a strict boss and a nobleman.Even if they finally feel that Master Avette's vision is not as good as they imagined, they dare not openly challenge his decision, at most they are psychologically aggrieved.

So while everyone was watching the excitement, they were also ready to be "used to the best of their ability" by this young lady.After all, to make dim sum for the dinner party, not to mention how good the taste is, it is also physical work in terms of quantity.These men from country F who call themselves gentlemen didn't intend to really stand by and watch.

They were all ready to help, but what surprised them was not only that the eldest lady chose the two kinds of dim sum, which looked very simple to the outsider but understood to be a test project for the insider, she was basically making dim sum. The process did not intend to call them for help.

Now they basically really became spectators.

(End of this chapter)

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