Chapter 479

After going abroad for a few days, Su Beibei felt a little homesick, and the delicious biscuits made by Su Tianxin made her homesick even more.Such a delicious biscuit, it's a pity that the younger brothers and sisters and the dean's mother didn't eat it...

Su Beibei realized that he suddenly had the urge to cry because of a biscuit, so he quickly woke up.What kind of demon has she fallen into?

"Very good, this is the best butter cookie I have ever eaten. There is no one, this is definitely the only best. Compared with your teacher, Master Evitt, it is absolutely not inferior..."

"You praise too much, are the butter cookies I made really better than the teacher's?"

"I've never eaten the one made by Master Evitt. To be honest, the master of this kind of snack has not been made for a long time. I have never seen him make it himself since I came to work here..."

Obviously, the chief pastry chef gave a very high opinion of the butter cookies made by Su Tianxin, but he has never eaten the teacher's, so he said that his own is not inferior to the teacher's, what Su Tian said Should the heart believe it?Just believe it...

Anyway, she is confident in her craft, haha...

After listening to the conversation between the two, Su Bei was confused, but Mrs. Wright smiled.She hadn't found the chief pastry chef so interesting yet.

"Ms. Wright, have you ever tasted the butter cookies made by the teacher? Come and comment. I hope to receive a fair comment. After all, I am still young and there is still room for improvement."

Su Tianxin expressed her thoughts very tactfully, what she needs is not too much praise, what she wants to hear is opinions.As the housekeeper of the teacher's house, Mrs. Wright should have more say, right?

"Yes, miss, I did taste the butter cookies made by Mr. Everett. Although it was many years ago, I think I can still remember the taste very clearly. It can be said that I will never forget it. Since the lady trusts you so much Me, I'll give it a try and see if I can offer some advice you need."

After a few days of contact, Mrs. Wright also had a certain understanding of Su Tianxin's temperament. She knew that Su Tianxin really needed advice, not so-called polite words.It's not like some people say they want to hear opinions, but in fact they only want to hear compliments.

The master and the apprentice have similar tempers, and Mrs. Wright readily accepted the task.

"Well, the biscuits are indeed very good. They are not worse than your teacher's. If you have to give some suggestions for improvement, it is to practice more on the decoration. Miss must not make this small biscuit many times. Compared with your teacher, this framed flower is a little bit worse in the last step of closing the mouth."

Mrs. Wright really can't find any direction to give advice on the taste, and can only give a little suggestion on the appearance.

"Indeed, I made it fast today, and I'm in a hurry. The last batch of biscuits didn't pay enough attention to the decoration."

Su Tianxin lowered her head and looked at the mounting flowers on this plate, it was really not satisfactory.

"This one is from the previous one. It really is much better than this one. Mrs. Wright has really good eyes."

Mrs. Wright and Su Tianxin communicated in Hua Guo's Chinese, and Su Beibei also understood.She went over to look at the few plates that Su Tianxin had made earlier, and it was indeed as Mrs. Wright said that the decoration of the biscuit she ate just now was not delicate enough.

"Thank you for your suggestion. I will pay more attention to it in the future. Even if you are in a hurry, the appearance of this dessert should be as careful as the taste."

(End of this chapter)

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