Chapter 484

Fran was not stupid, and he guessed what Mr. Wolfe meant at once.If there is a suitable bait, the little girl Tianxin is indeed a special existence.

Not only does she have two elves that are very popular with demon mages, but she herself may become the target of demon mages.But isn't it good to use a little girl as bait?

"You also think the little girl is an excellent target, don't you? Let your people prepare."

"I think you liked the little girl before, why don't you care about the little girl now?"

After all, he was a student of his old friend, and Fran couldn't bear it. He seemed to fight for it, even if it was someone he didn't know or who had a little ability to resist the opponent.

"Why don't I care about the little girl's life? Don't you think about it. Even if the little girl is not considered a suitable target by us, the other party can let her go? Don't take her as a target?

Let's deploy secretly, wait for the other party to come to the door, and give him a fatal blow, is it better than letting a little girl who has no resistance to face him directly?I saw it today, there is a royal guard around the little girl, it must be arranged by your old friend, you'd better say hello to the royal family, so as not to cause internal strife in the end. "

Mr. Wolf has been smiling and introducing various antiques to Su Tianxin in the afternoon, and wants to give her a few pieces. It doesn't feel like he wants to move the store to her.But behind this, Mr. Wolf observed what should be observed, and discovered what should be discovered, and then reminded Fran that he should inform the royal family in advance.Don't end up with his men colliding with the royal guards.

It's a trivial matter for the two sides to fight, but it will be troublesome if the demon mage takes advantage of the loopholes.

"The last time I saw the little girl, I found that my old friend was very protective of this student. This time even the royal guards were invited out. Tsk tsk, this is not a student protection, it is simply a posture of protecting an illegitimate child. You said this little girl It can't really be my old friend's illegitimate daughter?"

Fran is at it again...

"Does this have anything to do with what we're talking about?"


"Then should you be ready?"

If Mr. Wolfe hadn't wanted to maintain the image of a gentleman, he would have wanted to throw a blank stare at this guy.

"I'll go right away, do you think it's enough to bring 30 people?"

There are only so many people in the bureau that can be mobilized. Others have their own tasks outside, and some are inseparable from fixed positions.

"Are you so frightened this time? It's really rare. Bring everyone you can bring with you. I have to prepare on my side too. Call my old buddy, you go and do your work first."

Wolff is chasing someone away.

Old boy?Fran's eyes lit up. Is it the dragon brought back from China?Tsk tsk, he also said that he was scared, this old man is about the same, he is so cautious, he wants to take that big guy out of the stage.

"We won't let it show up unless it is absolutely necessary. You should pray that we can solve the problem by ourselves. Otherwise, the reports you have to write afterwards will pile up into mountains."

If you want to watch the excitement, you have to think about the consequences, hehe, what a beautiful thing, it is not easy to see the dragon appear.

"Um... well, I'm not looking forward to it anymore. By the way, the girl just happens to have a dinner party at the suburban villa tonight, so we'll go and have a look at it tonight. Are you ready?"

Shenlong is hidden very deep, and time is running out, I don't know if it can be summoned.

"You still care about yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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