Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 494 True Identity

Chapter 494 True Identity

"I... dare not, forget it, I'd better go downstairs and have a look."

The little girls nowadays are so powerful, at first they thought they could get some news out, but they didn't expect not only to be exposed, but also make the little girl hate him, he can't afford to offend him, he should stay away.

The two spoke Chinese. No one understood what they said except Mrs. Wright. Mrs. Wright would not speak for Shi Bo. Of course she was on Su Beibei's side.

"It's a good thing that you have a lot of trust in Miss Su. It seems that Miss Su has chosen the right friend."

Mrs. Wright not only did not speak for Shi Bo, but also praised Su Beibei. Shi Bo saw that he seemed to be really unpopular, so he should hurry downstairs.


"Let me introduce. I am the head of the Special Affairs Bureau of Country F, Job Furlong. This is our consultant expert, Mr. Wolf."

Fran formally introduced his identity.

"Special Affairs Bureau? For what?"

It was the first time Su Tianxin heard of this organization, but it sounded like an official organization.She has known the identity of Mr. Wolfe for a long time, and she must be inseparable from the elves to be hired by them as a consultant.It's just that she didn't expect that Mr. Wolfe would actually have contact with the official. Does the official know about the elves and magicians?

"It is to deal with some unconventional practices, such as the conflicts between elves and magicians, and if they violate the human treaty, we can also arrest and sanction them."

Furlong explained the scope of responsibilities and authority of his agency in the simplest language.

"Elf? Magician?"

Now it was Qiao Muqing's turn to be surprised.Is there really a magician in this world?His experience just now...

"That's right, elves and magicians. Baby Tianxin, show your little elves to your friends."

Fran felt that his words were unfounded, and just happened to have ready-made evidence, so he asked Su Tianxin to take out her elf without any politeness.

"Tianxin? Do you have elves?"

Before Qiao Muqing had time to think about whether she should tell what happened to her just now, she heard this shocking news.Why didn't he know about this, and why didn't he find out at half past one?

"Is it possible? Doesn't it mean that the existence of elves cannot be exposed at will?"

Su Tian thought that the meeting of several people would probably talk about the elves, but she never thought that the other party would be so loud and tell about the elves.After a moment of reaction, he asked back.

"He has caused trouble now. We have to make things clear. We must start with elves and magicians. Ordinary people will not have elves to follow. I can't find anyone else for a while, so you Help baby."

"Watch your words."

The word 'little baby' made Qiao Muqing especially harsh.He unceremoniously reminded Fran.

"Yo, it's still good, I know, I know, baby Tianxin, does your teacher know that you have such a powerful boyfriend? Tsk tsk, I guess I don't know, otherwise this kid will definitely be punished, how can he be so arrogant.

Young man, do you know that I am an elder?Xiaobaobei is the elder's pet name, which has been misunderstood. "

At this time, Fran is still not in a good position, and he still has to argue about such a trivial matter.

"It's not a boyfriend, I just can't get used to it."

Without Su Tianxin's explanation, Qiao Muqing hastened to make it clear that he hadn't forgotten that before the time went back, he had done stupid things and was disgusted by Tianxin, and now he had to guard his thoughts carefully and not mess around.

(End of this chapter)

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