Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 503 That's the little mouse's friend

Chapter 503 That's the little mouse's friend

"I saw him devour an elf, a very powerful cat elf."

To be honest, Fran really didn't want to recall yesterday's experience again, but he was afraid that he would have to talk about it ten or eight times, which might not be enough.

"Cat elf! Are you talking about the cat elf who lives in the suburbs of Beicheng?"

The little mouse elf suddenly screamed, which startled everyone.

"I don't know if it's the cat elf you mentioned, but it was indeed eaten by the outskirts of the city."

It was there yesterday that Fran encountered the can case of the demon mage swallowing the elf.Could it be that the eaten cat elf and this little mouse still know each other?It was a coincidence.Maybe you can find out some useful news.

"That must be true. There is only one cat elf in City B, and it's in the north of the city, but it's its territory. Woowa... Was it really eaten by a magician? Poor Ollie..."

The little elf burst into tears. It doesn't have many friends, and the cat elf named Ollie is one of them.

Although ordinary cats and mice are natural enemies, it is different among the elves.They were originally relatively small in number, and now the world's aura is thin, and there are very few elves who are gifted and intelligent, so they are naturally grouped together.So it is not surprising that the mouse and the cat elf are good friends.

At first it was sad enough to hear that one's friend had died, but he was brutally eaten. The little mouse elf was sad and frightened. It remembered Ollie better than its talent. If even Ollie was so It is easy to be eaten by the demon mage, maybe it will be the next one.

It's really stupid, just now it was just eating and drinking happily in the banquet hall below, and it didn't even know that there were bad guys eyeing scared...

"Little mouse, don't cry, your friend was killed, we should find a way to avenge it, what's the use of crying."

"I... I'm scared... Woohoo..."

Little Pearl's persuasion didn't do much, and the little mouse was still trembling with fear.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, there are still us. Didn't you say that Mr. Wolfe is very powerful? You see, they are here to protect you. Let me tell you about your cat elf friend, what do you know? Why is it being targeted by the demon mage?"

Su Tian couldn't bear to see the little mouse crying sadly. Looking at Wolfe and Fran's appearance, she shouldn't be lying. What she said just now should be true.

Things seem to be beyond her imagination, can a magician create a spirit?At most, they will catch elves to grab talents, right?Isn't that what the little mouse told her just now?I've never heard of such a cruel and fierce spirit being brought along.

"I don't know anything. Ollie is more talented than me. He is very kind and often helps humans. When a child is lost, he also helps to attract the police to bring the child back. He also helped no one care. Old man, it's really, really good, and I'm really a coward compared to Ollie.

Because I was afraid to go out and meet the magician, I often hid in this manor and dared not go anywhere. It was Ollie who found me by accident and made friends.

What the outside world looks like is also the first thing it told me and took me out to see it.It is my best friend, why is there such a cruel magician, is it not enough to take away its talent?Why did you eat it, wow..."

(End of this chapter)

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