Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 51 The Disgusting Fang Rong

Chapter 51 The Disgusting Fang Rong

The previous chaotic relationship between the two children was finally sorted out completely.

It's a pity... There are nine out of ten things in life where you get slapped in the face.

The faster the falg stands, the faster the slap will come.


"Yo, isn't this our Internet celebrity Miss Su?

You are so popular recently, are you going to debut?

My mother said that opera singers think it's cheap to be a daughter-in-law in a family like ours.

How did you resign yourself to this level of depravity?"

Just hearing the sound is annoying enough.

Looking at that mean face again, Su Tian wanted to slap her face.

"Isn't this Fang Rong?

I heard that you didn't get into college, so your family sent you abroad.back so soon?

Did you get expelled from school?"

Although the upper-class society is not like ordinary people's homes, everything depends on the children's own efforts, and most of them are not good at studying and sent abroad to spend money on college.

But it’s fine for everyone to know about this in private, and it’s generally not easy to bring it up on the table.

Others are afraid that if they say this, their old background will be picked up together, but Su Tian is a top student at heart.

The other party's words were so mean and ugly, she was quite reserved enough to fight back this time.

Debut? Does she still enter the Tao and become a fairy?

It's also due to the fact that Fang's family is also a big business, and it can be regarded as a top family today.

Why are the mother and daughter of the Fang family so ugly?No manners at all.

Su Tianxin came to the banquet with her parents and elder brother.

Today is the [-]th birthday of the old man of the business Wang family.

Both the Su family and the Qiao family were invited.

My parents went to socialize, and my brother was called away to talk about business.

Su Tianxin was sitting in the corner because she wanted to hide from Qiao's family, how could she meet Fang Rong.

Su Tianxin didn't like Fang Rong in the past, but now she doesn't like it even more.

If I had known this, I might as well have followed my parents to say hello to my uncles and aunts.

"It doesn't matter whether I learn well or not. The important thing is that I have face.

Unlike some people, in order to chase men, all kinds of entanglements have lost the face of our famous ladies. "

Fang Rong was stung by Su Tianxin's words, and suddenly forgot what her mother said about Su Tianxin's pursuit of Qiao Muqing.

Mother Fang didn't have good intentions to keep her daughter from mentioning this matter, but Fang's family was actually thinking about Qiao Muqing.

In the eyes of families with daughters, Qiao Muqing is the absolute first-choice son-in-law.

After all, depending on the conditions, Qiao Muqing is really good.

Young and promising, and the future heir of the Qiao family, the key is to look good and have a face that girls like to look at.

However, many people in the circle know that Su Tianxin is interested in Qiao Muqing, and the relationship between Qiao and Su's family has always been good.

If this word spreads, maybe the two families will directly settle the marriage for the sake of face.

Therefore, people who knew about it basically kept silent about it, because they didn't want to make a wedding dress for Su Tianxin, for fear that the gossip would make her marry Qiao Muqing in disguise.

It was because of this twist and turns that Fang's mother had no choice but to tell her daughter that she should not mention this, let alone in public.

Who knew that Fang Rong was so stupid, she blurted out when Su Tian's heart aroused.

"Oh, did you mean me?

Sorry I think you may have misunderstood, I'm not interested in men right now.

In my eyes, studying is much more interesting than men. "

What Su Tianxin said was the truth, but it was obviously sophistry to the ears of those who knew the inside story.

It's still the kind of sophistry that doesn't have the slightest strength after being said about the central matter.

(End of this chapter)

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