Chapter 512

Although he guessed why he was targeted by the prince, Su Tianxin was a little surprised when he said it so loudly.

Members of the royal family are still third in line to the throne, shouldn't they be a bit of a city?Just uttering his inner monologue in public, why does Su Tian feel that he is a little protected and too innocent.

However, considering that she was the one being targeted, Su Tianxin didn't think he was pure and cute at all, but only thought he was a little naive 'stupid'.I don't know if he came up with the idea to make trouble tonight, or if he was used by others, Su Tian complained in his mind, "I think I may just be lucky to be selected by the teacher, it doesn't mean you No, you don't have to worry too much."

We still need to talk about the scene, the other party is a prince after all, although Su Tianxin thinks he is a little brainless, but he still doesn't want to make the scene too embarrassing.

But who knows that the other party doesn't appreciate it.

"Are you laughing at me for being unlucky, or Mr. Avette has no discernment and chose a student like you at random?"

Su Tian really felt that what she said just now was superfluous. She originally wanted to be courteous before fighting, but who knew that this guy was just a stickler. Now what he said was wrong, and everything he said was the winner's embarrassment.

"I didn't expect the members of the royal family to be so unmannered. As a man, he is already ungentlemanly enough to treat a woman like this, and he has repeatedly made rude remarks. You probably forgot that this is not the country of Ailan, and we are not the people of your country of Ailan. Feel free to humiliate you."

Qiao Muqing was also angry. This guy's stance of finding fault was so obvious that it was unbearable.Even if he offended him today, Qiao Muqing had to protect Tianxin from being bullied.

"I... I didn't think about it. I just wanted to compete with her to see who is more talented and more qualified to be Mr. Avette's student."

That's it, what do you want to do?What else does he want to do?Why doesn't he go to heaven?He ran to other people's dinner parties to make a big fuss, and said in the afternoon that he didn't want to do anything.Is this guy really out of his mind?

The guests at the dinner party looked at the little prince's performance, and they were all speechless, but due to his identity, it was difficult for everyone to stand up and say something. After all, there was no one here who knew him well, so he rushed forward It's not appropriate either, just waiting to see how the person involved, Su Tianxin, reacts.

"I reject!"

"Okay, then we... no, why did you refuse?"

The little prince's first reaction was that Su Tianxin would agree, but he didn't expect her to refuse, so he didn't realize it for a while.

"Why did I agree? I don't think I have a reason to agree to such a challenge."

Su Tianxin was still smiling and talkative, but what she said was not like the impression she gave to everyone. Everyone suddenly felt that this little girl was not easy to provoke.

"I challenge you, do you need any other reasons for accepting the challenge? Prove that you are better than me in front of everyone, and I will be convinced. I have tasted the dim sum you made, and it tastes good, but I think it is better than mine. For the sake of fairness, I will give you one more chance to compete with me with all your strength."

The little prince spoke plausibly, and felt that he was quite reasonable.

"Sorry, I still refuse. I have other things to deal with, and I am worthy."

(End of this chapter)

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