Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 524 The identity has changed

Chapter 524 The identity has changed

"Contract? What contract? Why didn't I know about it?"

Make a contract?Su Tianxin has never heard anyone mention this to herself.

"I want to follow you to conquer country F. According to the European Elf Convention, unless a human being who has established a relationship with me as an owner can take me here, otherwise I cannot go out of Europe."

Every place has its own rules. There are no such rules in Huaguo or in the whole of Asia, but since the Magicians Association was established here in Europe, the elves also have their own Elf Guild.Although the trade union usually cannot control all aspects of the elves, some major principled things, even if there is no elf guild to come forward, such as the elves leaving the place where they belong, are still bound by public constraints.

If the elves want to leave here, they must either apply to the guild for a legitimate reason, or be taken away by their owners.

The little mouse has no suitable reason to apply to leave country F, so it can only enter into an owner contract with Su Tianxin, and let Su Tianxin become its owner and take it away.

"Is there such a saying? I don't know. Do I need to prepare anything for signing this contract?"

It turned out to be like this, Su Tian wondered if there should be some kind of ceremony.

"No, as long as you accept my gift and think in your heart that from now on, I will share weal and woe, and share good and bad, and the contract will be reached."

The little mouse looked at Su Tianxin expectantly, waiting for her to nod her head in agreement.

"It's that simple? I thought I'd find some witnesses to prepare a ceremony or something."

"Don't you still think that blood is used to worship the heaven and the earth? The soil is not the soil. Although we both came from the country of Hua, why are you so behind the times?"

Little Pearl couldn't help taking a peek at Su Tianxin's heart, it was actually the witness that the little mouse had found.Seeing Su Tianxin's inner world through consciousness at this time is really not peeping.It is only to ensure that the two parties reached a contract voluntarily, not reluctantly.

But Little Pearl never expected that what Su Tianxin saw in Su Tianxin's consciousness was such a corny scene of sworn worship, and she immediately complained.

"You peeked at my thoughts again!"

"It doesn't count. I'm a witness, not a peek. You can see that the righteous way of heaven and earth is also allowed, and no punishment has been imposed."

Little Pearl was too busy complaining, and told the story.

"Then you are not allowed to peek at it anymore, and you are not allowed to watch it again after we sign the contract."

Su Tian didn't dare to procrastinate any longer, fearing that little pearl would peek at her inner thoughts again, she didn't dare to think about it in a random way any more, just put the things away as the little mouse said just now and thought silently for a while.She felt very comfortable under a burst of warm light, and when she opened her eyes, she and the little mouse were enclosed in a yellow circle of light.

"I voluntarily become Miss Su Tianxin's guardian elf from now on, protecting her and her descendants from generation to generation, sharing honor and disgrace together!"

After the little mouse finished speaking, the warm circle of light became smaller and smaller and turned into two small light spots, one went to Su Tianxin's body, and the other went to the little mouse's body, and slowly disappeared on both sides.

"It's amazing. Is that the power of the contract?"

Su Tianxin has learned a little bit about the world of elves in the past few days. Although she doesn't understand how the contract turned the little mouse into a guardian elf, she can probably guess some of it just by hearing the name of the guardian elf.

But this contract seems to require more from the elves.Seems like she took advantage of it?

(End of this chapter)

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