Chapter 528 Blushing

"I said to Mr. Richard and Mr. Haisheng, can you go outside to argue, the people next door can hear it, I don't want to be knocked on the door again, it's for this reason, okay? "

Su Tian saw that they were yelling like they were going to continue to quarrel, so she hurriedly tried to persuade them.Although she didn't quite understand what these two guys were thinking about, she didn't want to keep quiet around her ears.

"Tian Xin, are you alright?"

Well, Su Tian felt that she could be a prophet. Just after she finished speaking, someone knocked on the door, and it was Qiao Muqing.If she hadn't clearly heard Qiao Muqing coming out of her room and knocking on her door, she would have wondered if he had been squatting at her door and listening to the corner, otherwise, how could his reaction be so fast.

"I'm fine, it's just that the two children are having a temper tantrum, I'll just coax them."

Su Tianxin opened the door and explained, Qiao Muqing poked his head to look at it, and there was nothing wrong with it, so he went back to his room. After all, it was really late, and it was not suitable for him to disturb Tianxin again and again.Seeing that the two people living next to him didn't come out of the room this time, he probably knew that there was nothing wrong, and he felt relieved when he thought of this.

Su Tianxin closed the door before remembering, why did she know that Qiao Muqing came out of her room just now?

Did she see it?wrong.


It seems to be felt.God, she could feel it.Su Tianxin closed her eyes to calm down for a while, and then thought about the location of Qiao Muqing's room. She actually felt Qiao Muqing's location all of a sudden. He was entering the bathroom and wanted to... take off his clothes.

Su Tianxin opened her eyes all of a sudden, oh, she was startled.

"Tianxin, what did you do? Why is your face so red?"

The little mouse Richard looked at Su Tian who was blushing instantly and asked puzzledly.

"Yeah, what's wrong with you? Are you sick? Have a fever?"

Little Pearl Haisheng also hurried forward to care, because Qiao Muqing came over just now, he changed back to his original appearance, now he transformed into a human form and came over like a mortal, stretched out the back of his hand and touched Su Tian's heart The forehead seems to be quite normal.

"I... I'm fine, but I seem to have a special function. I can actually feel the movement track of Qiao Muqing who came next door just now."

"Oh, you were peeking at someone just now, no wonder you blushed so much, you saw what he was doing just now."

Su Tianxin originally only mentioned the movement of Qiao Muqing coming over just now, but Little Pearl was too smart, and immediately understood why Su Tianxin was blushing.

"I... didn't do it on purpose, by the way, do you know what's wrong with me?"

Just as Su Tian's face was about to get better, it turned red again in an instant.But she still had to explain that she didn't know that Qiao Muqing would take off her clothes, she just had a try.

"Hey, we really know about this. You try to look farther away, don't need to close your eyes, look directly, look at the right place, don't peek at people taking a bath anymore."

Little Pearl is really annoying, she keeps teasing Su Tianxin endlessly.However, she still looked out according to Tuwei Haisheng's instructions, and thought about the direction of Beibei's room, and there should be no mistakes this time.Well, just look over there.

ah!She actually saw Bei Bei lying on the bed watching TV with a pillow in his arms.

"I saw it! I actually saw it!"

(End of this chapter)

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