Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 531 Talent Upgrade

Chapter 531 Talent Upgrade

"However, the gift of eyesight is more than that. What's even more powerful is the ability to distinguish between true and false. No matter what it is, as long as it passes through our eyes, we can distinguish true from false. Even what people say can tell whether it is true or false. Of course, this is limited to ordinary people, and it doesn’t count if there are magicians and Taoists with talents and spells.”

Little Pearl made it clear what talent she was particularly proud of.

"So powerful? Can you still tell the truth from what others say? My god... isn't that as sharp as Monkey King's eyes?"

"Miss, have you read too much Journey to the West?"

Little Pearl complained, there was Tang Monk before, and here comes Monkey King again, is it the rhythm of planning to bring the four masters and apprentices together?

"Hey, let me just say that, haven't you seen someone with such powerful eyes? I have to try hard. I won't look at others this time, just look at the things in my room and see if I can see them." See what."

After Su Tianxin finished speaking, she started to act in the room, looking around to see if there was anything to see.

Here is a glass of water, let's see what the glass of water can see.

Su Tianxin stared at the glass of water and suddenly saw a blur in front of him, followed by something floating on it, and a small light spot.

"What do I see here? Why is there something floating on it and there are light spots."

"It should be the minerals you often talk about, probably those things."

After Su Tianxin asked, she stared at it carefully, and she could actually see something that looked like a chemical molecular structure in the water droplet. Could it be that it was really the inside of the mineral?Is this too exaggerated?

Su Tian changed her mind to something else, she stared at the bed, and immediately saw the frame of the bed directly from the bed sheet and mattress, which was made of wood.Huh?The circles should not be the annual rings of logs, right?Su Tian felt a little tired from watching, so she closed her eyes for a rest, and unexpectedly saw a tree stump whose trunk had been cut off. Trees are 30 year old lumber.

"I actually saw that this bed is made of a tree that has grown for 30 years. Is this true? Is it just my random imagination?"

Su Tian hurriedly thought of two elves to solve it.

"Did you really see it?"

Little Pearl looked at her in surprise.

"I saw it, but I'm not sure if it's true or just a random thought. Anyway, when I closed my eyes just now, I just saw a tree stump and knew it was thirty without counting. Maybe it was just my random thought, I I don’t think that’s possible.”

"Miss Sister, you are too powerful. You actually upgraded your talent. What you saw just now must be true, but I can't even do it."

The little mouse looked envious, why didn't he have such a great talent.

"Really? You mean what I saw was real?"

"It should be true. You are so lucky that you can actually upgrade your talent. I heard from my grandfather that there was an elf who had this talent back then, and that is a role model for our whole family. In today's terms, he is our idol."

Little Pearl also made no secret of his envy, he couldn't figure it out, isn't Su Tian just an ordinary person?It is a great fortune to be able to get the talent, but why can the talent be upgraded?

"Miss, quickly see if you have any other talents. We and Little Pearl still have one."

(End of this chapter)

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