Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 543 8 Changes in Women's University

Chapter 543

Sure enough, as soon as Su Tianxin came out of the room in the morning, Su Beibei noticed the difference, but it may be because Su Tianxin has always been pretty, but now she has only become more beautiful. A little rest for a few days can make the skin condition better and look better, but I don't care too much.

At the same time, someone else noticed the change in Su Tian's heart. Either they found a reason to ignore it, or they had guesses like Wolfe, and seeing her like this confirmed the guess in their hearts, so there is no need to ask.Anyway, everyone noticed Su Tianxin's changes, but no one came to ask her, which made Su Tianxin, who was ready to respond to the prevarication, a little overwhelmed.

"Didn't everyone notice the change in me?"

Su Tianxin began to reflect on whether she was a little narcissistic and exaggerated. Didn't everyone see anything?

"Maybe they should think you are beautiful? Don't mortals often say that women have undergone eighteen changes? In their eyes, you may also be in the process of women's eighteen changes."

Little Pearl doesn't know what's going on, maybe they don't have good eyesight?But looking at Wolfe's eyes, I'm afraid he guessed something. After all, he can be regarded as a wise man among Western magicians, and he has lived in China for so many years. He may also know about guardian elves.It is certain that the next door can hear the noise of such a commotion last night, and it is also possible to guess it.

Anyway, I don't care, Tianxin is afraid that everyone will find out that her changes are hard to explain, isn't it best now?There is no need to explain if no one asks.

"That's right, then can I become more beautiful in the future?"

Which girl does not love beauty, and Su Tianxin is the same. She is very happy to be able to become a beauty without using any technology.Although she didn't think about using external force when she was not beautiful before, one was because she had no money and the other was because she didn't dare.

"Sure, sister Tianxin, you are the most beautiful young lady right now, don't wait for later."

The little mouse was jumping and jumping happily. The breakfast was so delicious. There were so many delicious foods. I could eat with my little sister, and I no longer had to go out to find food by myself in the future hahaha.

In order not to attract attention, the little mouse turned back into a little hamster, and the little pearl changed from a human shape back into a little bead to follow Su Tianxin.

When eating, they ate with Su Tianxin as before, but it turned out that no one around Su Tianxin could see them.During the meal this morning, three people stared at them from time to time, but it didn't matter, they didn't care so much about the food back then, how to eat and how to eat, they should let go.This was their last French breakfast before they left Country F. It was delicious, so delicious...

"These two little guys are so edible? God, who can afford this?"

Fran said in surprise looking at the appetite of these two little guys.

"I will help you raise Tianxin in the future."

The most important thing Qiao Muqing lacked was money, not to mention raising two elves, he could afford to raise even ten.

Su Tianxin had already told Qiao Muqing this morning that she was going back to China with the two elves.Qiao Muqing had no objection to her decision. Anyway, the little elf was following her, so he might be able to protect her, so he could rest assured that they wouldn't be unaware of the Demon Mage's appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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