Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 551 I'm going to be late

Chapter 551 I'm going to be late

When I came here, there was an accident at the airport and the flight, Su Tianxin thought they came by private jet.When she came back, Su Tian originally thought that she didn't need to trouble Qiao Muqing, but something like that happened last night, and she made a temporary decision to go back to China, and finally had to arrange a private jet.

Fortunately, Qiao Muqing had a lot of work all year round, and he had to use a private jet once or twice when he went abroad to work, let alone eight times.

At 10:30 on time, the plane took off from the airport in City B of country F, and it was finally time to go home...


"Ah, what time is it? Is it too late? I said go out early and you two are dawdling. Take a look at what time it is."

Seeing that it was almost four o'clock, Chu Xin anxiously called her husband and son while going out to get in the car.

"That... Didn't you say you wanted to choose a gift for your younger sister that you brought back from playing, and then you forgot the time? I thought you weren't going to the airport."

Su Yuexin touched her nose, really don't blame him for this matter, it's obviously her mother who dragged her back to be late, okay?

Speaking of which, his mother and sister have lived for so many years and still don't quite understand women as creatures.You said that your mother brought a gift to her younger sister just after going out to play.This sister is also just coming back.

When can’t I pick out the best gift and the most beautiful thing? I have to choose it before I go out. I said that my sister can see it as soon as she comes back. I almost planned to take it to the airport directly. Later, I thought it would be inconvenient to have a big box. , I'll talk about it when I come back, so I didn't take the things out with me.

It’s fine to choose a gift before going out, and I still can’t choose the one I like the most. In the end, I decided to give all the gifts brought back to my daughter and let her choose by herself. If she likes them all, take them away. The remaining small things can also be used as small gadgets to send to friends' daughters.

Of course, the gift that I bought was chosen first by my own daughter, everyone else did this, Chu Xin didn't think it was wrong for her daughter to pick the rest and then give it to others.It was new and not left over.

"You brat, you're still picky about your mother. It's because we gays didn't do a good job. Knowing that your mother doesn't care about the time when choosing gifts, you still choose gifts for your sister without saying anything." Remind your mother of time, it's too much to shirk responsibility at the moment, and it's useless to raise such a big son like you."

Su Bai hastened to teach his son a lesson, he must resolutely stand on the united front with his wife.Could it be said that today's matter is indeed like what he said just now that he and his son did not remind his wife that it was too late. Even if it was his wife's fault, he would not realize that it was his wife's fault.

Of course, it wouldn't be his fault. Whose fault was it?Do you still need to ask?At this moment, there are only three of them in their family. Who else can they have besides their son?Even if daughter Tianxin has one more person, the son will be responsible for the blame.

"It's a good thing I was wrong, next time I will learn my lesson and not do it again."

Su Yuexin, who has been a blame man countless times at home, has long been used to his father's way, and he doesn't bother to argue, just admit his mistake, otherwise this matter will be nagged all the way.He didn't want to hurt his ears.

Seeing that his son admitted his mistake in a timely manner, Su Bang really didn't bother with this issue anymore.

"Tianxin has come back these days to make up for what she said. This trip is really a pain. We encountered such a scary thing before we went out. We Tianxin are lucky that nothing happened. My daughter is a lucky child. .”

(End of this chapter)

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