Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 553 Su Family

Chapter 553 Back to Su's House

"Welcome, welcome, Yuexin will arrange for the two gentlemen later."

Su Bai hurriedly ordered his son to arrange for the two of them. They didn't receive any news from their daughter in advance that the guests were coming, but it didn't matter, the Su family had their own hotel and it was easy to arrange.

"Uncle Su, there's no need for Yuexin to make arrangements. I can arrange all the itineraries and affairs of the two gentlemen in Huaguo. I have also been taken care of by them during the past few days in country F. It is a little bit of my care." .”

Qiao Muqing hurriedly took over the job, and he arranged it as agreed before.

"That's fine, you and Yue Xin discuss it, after all, they are Avette's friend and our Su family's friend."

Su Bai nodded and didn't care too much. He believed that Qiao Muqing could handle this small matter.

"Okay, let's go home first. Should the two gentlemen go to our house first or rest first?"

"Let's go back to the hotel to rest first, and visit at the door another day."

Mr. Wolf's fluent Chinese surprised the Su family.

"Sir, you speak Chinese very well. Have you ever been to China?"

"I've lived here for a long time, and it can be regarded as my second home."

Wolf said with a smile.

"No wonder, since sir is no stranger to Huaguo, we are not polite. If you need anything, just ask."

Su Bai feels more at ease now, the two guests have Hua Guotong and they can take care of themselves, but they still have to say something polite.

Su Yuexin stepped forward and left her phone number so that Wolff and the others can call him directly if necessary.Wolfe left his business card, and the two parties said goodbye to the Su family and prepared to go home.

"Shi Te will help you arrange guests. I'll go home with Tian Xin first. You can come and pick me up later."

"Okay, boss."

Shi Bo nodded and accepted the task.He didn't dare to talk too much, the boss wanted to go to the Su's house just because he wanted to gain favor with him, he couldn't be an assist in this matter, and he wouldn't be a hindrance.

"I don't think there will be room in your car. Let me send Miss Su Beibei back together."

Shi Bo was afraid that the boss would not be able to get in the Su family's car if he had no seat, so he quickly and cleverly took the initiative to take the responsibility of sending him to Su Beibei.

"Then trouble Special Assistant Shi."

Su Beibei naturally had no objection.It's better for her to follow Shi Bo than to follow the Su family, at least she doesn't feel so much pressure in her heart.

It would be fine if there were only two siblings, Su Tianxin and Su Yuexin, but Su's parents are here today.It is impossible to say that she is not afraid at all, but those are the parents of the person she likes.The president and the wife of the president, if she goes back together, she will be so nervous that she won’t be able to speak. Follow Shi Bo, at least she is not unfamiliar with the two gentlemen Wolfe and Fran, and she is not so reserved.

"Then thank you Shi Te for helping, Beibei will be handed over to you, please send her back safely."

Knowing Su Tianxin brought it out, she should have sent it back, but there are other things today, there is indeed no room for a car, Qiao Muqing's special assistant is still reliable for such a small matter.

"No trouble, no trouble. I should do this without thanks."

Shi Bo didn't expect that what he said was just a favor, mainly to not slow down the boss, and he didn't expect to be thanked by Miss Su so much. Even polite words are quite pleasant to listen to.

At the same time, Shi Bo also saw that Su Tianxin really cared for this classmate Su Beibei, so he could find a way to help his boss gain favorability from this classmate first, maybe it would be useful.

(End of this chapter)

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