Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 577 It's Just Popularity

Chapter 577 It's Just Popularity

Su Tianxin quickly called Wei Yanzhi and explained the situation.And said that this event is paid income, not public welfare, if Wei Yanzhi is willing to participate, he can sign a formal contract.

Wei Yanzhi knew that Su Tianxin had returned to China yesterday, and was thinking of a reason to call her today, but Su Tianxin took the initiative to call her.

As soon as he heard what Su Tianxin said, he readily agreed to it, and said that the remuneration and contract matters would not be necessary.After all, Su Tianxin earned a lot of advertising sponsorship fees for the school's student union before, and Su Tianxin didn't get any benefits at the time. This time, Wei Yanzhi thanked Su Tianxin for his voluntary help on behalf of the student union.

Wei Yanzhi's reason was very high-sounding. After all, he really just wanted to find an opportunity to get close to Su Tianxin. He was worried that the two of them would not have a chance to meet each other during the holidays. It was hard to get such an opportunity, no matter what it was to help him. We are very happy.

Wei Yanzhi didn't want to take money, but Su Tianxin had to give it.She stated that this was a job from the studio, and it was a real commercial activity. Su Tianxin would not let Wei Yanzhi do it for nothing if the other party gave the studio money. The right person helped.

Hearing this, Wei Yanzhi also knew that it would be impossible not to charge money, forget it, there is a chance for two people to get along, so don't argue about it, just listen to Su Tian's heart, she can do whatever she says.

"Okay, let's make a deal then, do you have time tomorrow? Come to my studio tomorrow, and I'll send you the address."

"Okay, I'll be there tomorrow morning."

Naturally, Wei Yanzhi is fine, he wished he could go see Su Tianxin right now, but he also knew that Su Tianxin only came back yesterday, maybe he would go home to rest in a while, and maybe he would only see Su Tianxin when he went. to the rest of the studio.Tomorrow is a long time, and one day, he can always meet the person he wants to see.

Su Tianxin hung up the phone and saw Miss Xiaojin and Su Beibei looking at her strangely.

"Why are you looking at me like that? You guys are really weird today."

Su Tian couldn't figure out what happened to these two people.

"Tianxin, did the two of you almost collapse just now because of the issue of remuneration?"

"Not really. The main reason is that Senior Wei is too polite. He said that he would volunteer to help if he didn't get paid. In order to thank me for getting advertising sponsorship for the student union before. But one yard counts for one yard. How could I really ask him to volunteer to help? After all, this is also a commercial activity, and we have received money from Joe's."

Su Tian didn't expect the two to react so strangely because of this matter.

"You two have a great relationship."

"Yes, Senior Wei took good care of me at school, I can't let him suffer, can I?"

Su Tianxin thought that there was nothing wrong with what she said, but the expressions of Sister Xiaojin and Beibei didn't seem to be much better.

Su Tianxin probably would not have thought that both of them felt that Su Tianxin was really hopeless.How could she not feel anything so obvious.No wonder Tianxin couldn't see that Qiao Muqing treated her differently, because she probably lacked this string... After all, didn't she feel nothing when Wei Yanzhi acted so obviously?

"Tian Xin, you are right to do this. We can't take advantage of others. We may have the opportunity to cooperate with you a few more times in the future. After all, it's really hard to find someone like Wei Yanzhi. You are very popular, and there are people who don't want money." It’s a free obligation to help, keep it up. This matter is finalized, and I will contact the remaining eight characters as soon as possible in the next few days to come and try their outfits, and some who are not suitable will come and make temporary adjustments.”

(End of this chapter)

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