Chapter 584 Caught

If Qiao Muqing hadn't mentioned it, Su Tianxin would have almost forgotten about it.Although it was only about ten days ago, she was too busy recently, so she really didn't care about it.

But Qiao Muqing came here on purpose, so she naturally wanted to ask what was going on.

Although this matter has not been officially announced for the time being, there are other considerations.At this moment, apart from Su Tianxin, that is, Su Yuexin, and Xiao Han, they are all of us in the car, which is more convenient than when we were in the studio just now, as Qiao Muqing said.

Su Tianxin felt that on the day they went to the airport, in addition to the extremely dangerous goods found on the flight they were going to take, several flights were found to have dangerous goods after the entire airport was sealed off.

At that time, there was a lot of noise, so all the flights that day were delayed and the entire airport was thoroughly checked.Qiao Muqing would definitely not know the specific investigation process so clearly.So it wasn't very specific.

The news he got was that these dangerous goods were all colluded by foreign personnel and a technical technician at the airport to put these things in an inconspicuous place on the fuselage and cabin during the aircraft maintenance.Fortunately, these dangerous goods are not powerful things, and most of them are dangerous goods that are not qualified for autonomy.Although these things may not be usable, they are also real illegal items.

It's lucky that nothing happened. How many departments and management personnel will be responsible for it if something happens, the consequences are simply unimaginable.

But even so, the airport and the security department were busy, and it had a very bad influence.

The other party's purpose was to destroy the security of Beishi.After all, Beishi is applying for the qualification to host the Olympic Games this year, and it has reached the most critical stage.If the safety of Beishi, especially the airport, which has always been strictly managed, has such a big safety hazard, one can imagine how serious the safety problem of Beishi has become.

Originally, the ghost who just followed the airport couldn't find the root cause.The security department of Huaguo is still very powerful. Through investigation, they found the guy who gave money to the airport technician and provided these dangerous goods overseas.

In fact, these guys are not members of any serious organization, they are just some retired soldiers from a certain country, and they also made those Z bombs themselves.They also received money from others to make such a big move during the Olympic Organizing Committee's inspection in Beishi.As for which country or person the other party was from, they had no clue.

Although I found this group of people and did not ask any more useful clues, they joined forces with the World Anti-K Organization to capture this group of people, and finally dealt with them according to what K terrorists should do.

"This matter is actually so involved? Brother Mu Qing, can you tell us that it's okay? This is a state secret, right?"

"It's okay, you will know about this sooner or later. We are waiting for the final news from the Organizing Committee of the Olympic bid, and it will be announced after the successful bid. And the disclosure may be more detailed than what I just said. , it’s only a matter of time.”

It's not that it can't be said that it can't be publicized on a large scale for the time being.Now Su Tian felt relieved.

"This time our Olympic bid was successful?"

"Yes, we succeeded, and we are about to succeed. Beishi is about to become the second city in Huaguo to host the Olympics. This is an opportunity and a challenge."

Qiao Muqing's first-hand information is still very reliable.

(End of this chapter)

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