Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 596: The Bonus Has Been Issued

Chapter 596: The Bonus Has Been Issued

The studio has just opened and the situation is very good. Several people discussed it and gave the employees a bonus before the Spring Festival.

If you want the horse to run and want the horse to be good, you have to spend money.Although the studio is not yet profitable, it still needs some encouragement and wit.

To put it bluntly, this model of the studio relies on word of mouth among customers to drive more customers.The expertise and aesthetics of the stylists are crucial.

Because the studio was newly opened, there were not many people recruited, but it was indeed a lot of work to make appointments for ten customers every day.Distributing a batch of bonuses can also motivate everyone to work hard and work hard to keep these customers in the coming year, so that the studio's customer base will not have to worry about in the future.

Maybe at that time, it's not Su Tianxin and the others trying to find ways to advertise to attract customers, but the guests rushing to make an appointment.

Now they are all new customers, and most of them made an appointment with the attitude of coming to try it out. Regardless of the face of the Su family or the reputation of Su Tianxin, it is actually more like a trip to catch up with the fashion for everyone.

The young daughters all know that Su Tianxin has opened a styling studio here, and anyone who hasn't tried it seems to be a step behind.

When everyone has tried it, it will be considered new.

Whether the customers who have tried it will be repeat customers depends on whether the stylists in the studio can retain the customers.

Of course, stylists are important, and other positions in the studio are not to say that they are not important.So this bonus should be distributed, and everyone should distribute it together.

Except that Su Tianxin didn't receive it herself. After all, before there was any profit, all the money came from her pocket.If she took the bonus, it would be equivalent to taking it out of her left pocket and putting it back in her right pocket. It really doesn't make sense, so she didn't bother.

After the bonus was distributed, everyone was more motivated.After all, as a small studio that has just opened, although it is a special bonus for the Spring Festival, no one has ever seen a bonus that is three times the basic salary.

This early Spring Festival bonus really let everyone see Su Tian's sincerity.

Everyone feels that they are sorry for not working hard.After all, the owner of this studio is a good person, and there is no bad competition among the employees. Everyone has a harmonious relationship. The most important thing is that this studio still has the prospect of becoming bigger and stronger.Everyone knows that in the future, if the studio is done well, there will be only benefits and no harm for everyone.

Then what are you thinking, do it well!

After that, everyone didn't even have the idea of ​​complaining about too much work in their hearts. They just thought about working hard and making money.

On the contrary, Su Tianxin got a little free time before the Spring Festival after the studio got on the right track.Finally, I can have time to practice the homework left by the teacher.


Avette has been very busy recently. During the Christmas month, he was busy flying around to attend various banquets. When Tianxin went to country F last time, he was busy attending royal banquets in his home country.And after Su Tianxin left country F, he flew to country F to attend the royal banquet here a few days later.

He is busy and so are his students.

He also knew that Su Tianxin and his classmates opened a styling studio together, but he didn't take too much care of it. After all, a little girl loves beauty and loves to play.Avette has always believed that the phrase "hard work makes up for one's weakness" is for people with relatively ordinary talents.

For a student like Su Tianxin, as long as he doesn't waste his heart on making desserts, he can still indulge him by distracting his attention occasionally to do other things.

(End of this chapter)

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