Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 602 Let's Make Money

Chapter 602 Let's Make Money

Su Tian felt that she was really lucky.She made a mistake and saved two elves. She didn't actually contribute much, but she got so much in return.

If this is not considered a cheat... then what else can be called a cheat?

Su Tian thought with a smile in his heart that he had been reborn once, not only was he freed from bad luck, but he had completely gone to another extreme of good luck.

What does this mean?It shows that people who are kind and do good deeds will still be rewarded.Why is she reborn?Isn't it because you saved a child?Perhaps there is also the merit accumulated by some good things she did before, which gave her a chance to be reborn.

Doing good deeds will really bring blessings to people. Su Tian feels that what she has received now is not enough, and she should continue to work hard to help those in need.

"If I want to exchange the gifts you give me for money and then donate to those in need, will you be angry?"

Su Tian thought about making another donation after the Spring Festival. Every year, the Su family will hold a large charity donation event at the beginning of the new year.Walk into the mountain village to send some warmth to the children and the lonely old people in those mountain villages.Su Tian felt that she should also participate in it.But when she thought that most of her money was in the stock market and she didn't have any cash on hand, she thought of the gifts she had received recently.

In fact, she doesn't use these things very much, maybe she can take out one or two items and ask Qiao Muqing to mortgage them for some cash, and take them to participate in this event first.When she makes money, she will redeem the things for him.

These gifts were the wishes of Little Pearl and Little Mouse. If she wanted to use these things, she should ask for their consent.That's why Su Tian asked this question.

Little Pearl was the first to react, "Exchanging money? Donating it? You want to do good deeds, is that what you mean?"

Su Tian nodded heartily.Su Tian didn't make it clear, she didn't know if the two elves knew what mortgage loan was, so she didn't make it so clear.

Of course Little Pearl has no problem with doing good deeds.And being an elf or a cultivator, doing good deeds is a beneficial thing for them.

But those treasures in his collection are not easy to find, good things that happen once in a hundred years.He hesitated. "Is there no other way? You just need money, right?"

The little mouse heard the point, money?need money?They can figure out a way. "I have a solution, and Little Pearl and I have a solution. You don't need to exchange the gift we gave you for money, we can help you get money."

Su Tian was taken aback. It doesn't seem right that the little mouse is so excited. He doesn't plan to go out to pick it up, does he?

Su Tian paused for a moment, thought for a while before speaking: "There is no war now, and money is not collected like that. If you just take money from other places or other people, it is considered stealing... you little mice... ..."

Little Pearl was happy, "Who told you that we are going out to steal. Are we going to make money? Are you looking down on us so much? Let's go out and make money right away. Tell me how much money you need?"

Su Tian didn't know what to do with this domineering attitude.Two elves to make money?Is this appropriate?What kind of work are they going to do?How can you find a job without a degree?What two little guys who don't understand anything.

"Don't worry about that. It's not urgent. I won't pick up presents to exchange for money, and I won't in the future. I will put them away. As for making money, let me figure out a way."

(End of this chapter)

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