Chapter 604

After Su Tianxin chatted like this, she still felt that she had too few ways to make money.The studio, which can only go out but not in, and mostly relies on the family to support it, does not know when it will make money.

From this point of view, she is not much better than Little Pearl and Little Mouse.

"Can we make a lot of money by becoming human? To sell labor?

Little Pearl thought of this question half-understood.There is no other way. Everyone has labor, right?Wouldn't it be enough if he became a human?

"Yes, yes. But the remuneration for selling labor is really small, and it is very hard. I have done it before, so I know best that simply paying labor may only guarantee a normal person's food and clothing. Once an unexpected situation occurs, then A little money may even be a problem to eat enough.”

Su Tian knew in her heart what Little Pearl would look like when she became a human being, a frail young man using his labor to make money?She really wasn't too optimistic about this matter.

"We're not real mortals. We haven't gone to school and have no family support. We don't have any other way to make money except labor?"

Although Little Pearl has lived directly in the mortal world for a long time, he thinks he knows a lot of rules of the mortal world, but even though he has transformed into a human form, he doesn't feel that he is a real person.

There are many things that mortals can do that he doesn't bother to do, but in his opinion, there are more things that he can't do because of differences.For example, let him go to school like a mortal in order to make money now?That is simply an impossible thing to accomplish, and he is also subjectively unwilling.

How long is human civilization, and the civilization of their elves is longer than this.Although each elf does not go to school like a human, the elders of the elves will tell them stories about the past, elves' spells and taboos when getting along with people.These are the things they learn.

What does what people come to school to learn have anything to do with their elves?He doesn't study!

Su Tianxin saw Little Pearl's embarrassed expression, and smiled, "So I said, leave the money-making to me, and you just do what elves should do."

She wasn't the one who proposed to let the two of them make money.

"I want to make money, I want to sell things, and I can make money by selling things. It's not just selling labor, I can make money, a lot of money. Many rich people in our country F make a lot of money by selling things .”

Just as Su Tian laughed out loud at Little Pearl's idea of ​​making money, why did little mouse pop up again.

Could it be that the elves follow the Lord?Because Su Tianxin has a strong desire to make money, so the elf who follows her also has a strong desire to make money like her?It can no longer be called obsession...

Su Tian endured the urge to touch his forehead, and patiently explained to the little mouse, "Selling things is a business, and it can indeed make money. But doing business is not as simple as talking about it, it requires capital to open a store and employees. I know that there are many big capitalists in country F who initially made money by selling goods, but the two of you have no experience at all... and I am just starting to explore myself, so I can't help you with this. I can't give you any extra information right now. The money is for your capital investment."

The two elves want to help her make money, she knows this in her heart, and she is very grateful for their intentions, but this way is not working, at least she can't support them now.

(End of this chapter)

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