Chapter 621

Grandpa Chu thought he had guessed the truth, but the Su family thought that Qiao Muqing's extraordinary performance in taking care of Tian Xin today might be subconsciously fearing that Grandpa Chu would find out about the fact that Tian Xin went to the hospital before, right?

It's understandable when you think about it. On the issue of Tianxin, it is difficult for Grandpa Chu to really reason.If they hadn't been worried about the old man's health before, they didn't tell him about it.Today, Qiao Muqing might be beaten as soon as he entered the door, and he might not even be able to enter Su's house later.

Qiao Muqing's extraordinary concern for Tian Xin because of his worries made sense.

Forget it, it's not easy for this kid, it still hurts to be beaten up by Grandpa Chu, so let's not expose him, let him continue to behave.I hope that his current performance can give him extra points. On the day when the truth comes out in the future, Grandpa Chu can see that he has sincerely repented and made up for Tianxin, so don't make it difficult for him to avoid this beating.

Contrary to the fact that the Su family and Grandpa Chu had misunderstood Qiao Muqing's intentions, his own family understood the reason for his hard work today——Qiao Muqing wanted to win the support of Mr. Chu!

The Qiao family also knew very well that the Su family didn't see Mu Qing's purpose today, and they might even have misunderstood it.However, as a family on the united front, naturally no one from the Qiao family will stand up and expose Qiao Muqing's true colors. Even Qiao Muxia, a silly kid, knows that in such an occasion today, if he says something inappropriate, his brother will be ruined. Conspiracy' Oh no, it's a plan, then he will probably be dispatched abroad to go to school, calm down, keep your mouth shut, he doesn't know anything, he doesn't say anything, he's just an emotionless robot.

So those who knew the truth and those who misunderstood and thought they knew the truth felt that they knew the truth, but no one interfered with Qiao Muqing's behavior. It was so inexplicable that Qiao Muqing got everyone's approval on this matter.

It's an amazing thing.


After the New Year's Eve dinner, everyone drank some tea in the living room to digest food.

Because after a while everyone will be free to form a team to play mahjong, to play chess, and the children to play games and so on. Free activities.So this time should be regarded as the most concentrated moment before the New Year's Eve.

Qiao Muqing talked about the fact that his auction company opened on the third day of the new year and invited everyone to play.

Qiao Muqing had long said that his auction company would open during the Spring Festival, but the specific date did not seem to be so early.Qiao Muqing explained that the date was set a little later because he was afraid that the Su family would go to Nanshi to accompany Grandpa Chu to celebrate the New Year.

Half a month ago, he learned that Grandpa Chu would come to Beishi to celebrate the New Year this year, so he arranged to move the opening date to the third day of the new year in advance, so that he could just invite Grandpa Chu to play with him. I like antique calligraphy and painting.

The fathers of Su Qiao's family liked antiques, but some of them were influenced by the old man.So, taking advantage of the opportunity of Mr. Chu in Beishi, Qiao Muqing can also take the opportunity to curry favor with Grandpa.

Sure enough, when Qiao Muqing said that the auction company was mainly engaged in the auction of antiques and cultural relics, Grandpa Chu became interested and said that he must go to see it on the third day of the new year.

This year's first and second day must be at home or with a few acquaintances who are familiar with each other's New Year's greetings.In the evening of the third day of junior high school, I went to the auction company to participate in the auction.

For the time being, there is no schedule for the time being, Su Tian thought about it and then expressed his thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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