Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 623 The expression is too wonderful

Chapter 623 The expression is too wonderful

Today there are many Su family members, and Su Tianxin doesn't dare to be too brave to feed the two elves when he is having dinner with everyone below.

Simply and quietly smuggled a lot of delicious food for the two little guys.

The family bought more ingredients, because the nanny also went home during the holidays, and the two mothers made the New Year's Eve dinner by themselves.No one deliberately counted them when they were done, so no one noticed that there was less food in the kitchen, let alone the fact that the two little guys were stealing food upstairs.

Su Tianxin just said that she was going to go on vacation downstairs, but she didn't expect the two little guys to hear it upstairs. They really are elves with good ears.

"You guys want to go too?" Su Tianxin seemed to be a little surprised by this question, and asked back.

Little Pearl hurried forward, "I want to go, I really want to go, that is to go to the seaside, although it is not my hometown, but I am an elf born in the sea, the sea is my home, rounding it up, I just want to go home. "

Little Pearl's rounding algorithm is quite unambiguous.

Su Tianxin still had no special expression on her face, "It's very troublesome to take you there. If you want to go abroad, I'm afraid you will run into trouble. Why don't you two stay at home, and I'll bring you some seaside specialties, and you can follow me as if it were round I've been there."

Who doesn't know how to round up?Little Pearl will, Su Tianxin will too.

Little Pearl didn't expect Su Tianxin to say that, the two eyebrows on a little bead are about to be twisted together, seeing how cute it is?No, it's ridiculous!

Su Tian couldn't help it anymore, "Hahaha... Little Pearl, are you performing what is called '囧'? Why are you so funny, your expression is too rich?"

Although the little pearl looks like its original shape, it is not really just a smooth bead, but more like a two-dimensional bead, with a nose, eyes and eyebrows, but it is hard to see where the ears are.

It's the small eyebrows of this two-dimensional image that are now twisted into twists, making Su Tian so funny that he can't help it and can't pretend anymore.

Seeing that Su Tian was happy, Little Pearl made persistent efforts to maintain the expression just now, and then added a hint of sadness—although Su Tian didn't know how he used such simple facial features to make an expression of frowning and sadness. , but she did feel the emotion he wanted to convey, and she laughed was so funny.

"Dong dong dong..."

Someone knocked on the door suddenly, Su Tian was startled, she forgot that she was at home at the moment.

"Hasn't Tianxin gone to sleep yet? Go to bed early, there will be guests at home tomorrow."

It was Sumu Chuxin.Chu Xin heard her daughter laughing in the room just now, not too loudly at first, intermittently, and then louder and louder, Chu Xin saw that it was getting closer, so she came over to remind her daughter to go to bed early.

Chu Xin didn't suspect that someone in her daughter's room was talking to her to make her laugh. At most, she thought that her daughter must be watching some funny video or variety show. She was afraid that her daughter would stay up late after watching it for too long. of.

Su Tianxin quickly suppressed her smile and responded, "Oh, I see."

Hearing her mother leave the door of her room and walk back to her room, Su Tian covered her mouth and laughed for a while before stopping.

It's no wonder that she has a low smile, it's because the little pearl just hit her smile all of a sudden.

Little Pearl still had the same expression, "I'm so pitiful, you really don't want to take us with you? Please, please!" She even acted like a baby, which really made Su Tian feel completely helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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