Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 626 New Rules of Auction

Chapter 626 New Rules of Auction

One month in advance of this auction, when the invitation letter was sent out, a pamphlet was made with the introduction of the auction items and sent to the invited guests.

So in fact, everyone who is going to make a move this time has a rough goal in mind.

It's just that whether this goal is one or several is different.

Those with strong financial resources can naturally focus on a few more targets, while those with slightly weaker financial resources or who are particularly loyal to a certain pre-sale product can be more specific in their targets.

Those present will not be so weak even if their financial resources are weak.However, most of the people participating in the auction today are businessmen, celebrities or old-fashioned families. The guests with Z status will be very low-key on the contrary, but they just come to join in the fun, and it is a way to save face for Joe. Even if they are really rich, they will not To participate in the auction with such a high profile on such an occasion.

After all, identities are different, and sometimes there are more things to consider, even if it is a lot you like, it is not suitable to buy it in such an occasion with a high profile.There are ways to buy these things, you don't have to be here and you don't have to spend so much money.

Today is Qiao Muqing's home game, he will not be very free, but fortunately everything has been arranged in advance, except for some special guests that he needs to personally receive, most of them just say hello.

Soon the auction will officially start.

After the lights of the entire venue were suddenly dimmed, everyone's attention was easily focused on the host on stage.

"Welcome all distinguished guests. It is a great honor to host this auction for you here. The rules of this auction are..."

The rules of the auction are similar, each lot will be put on the stage when the host will give a brief introduction, and then give a starting price after the host introduces the lot, and all guests present can raise a sign if they have the intention to bid .

In the absence of special circumstances, not raising a card once can represent a certain amount of price increase. This amount is determined by the value of the lot at the on-the-spot auction and the rules, and there is no fixed value.

In addition, if there are bidders, they can also increase the amount at one time to exceed the amount represented by the placard, and they need to bid by themselves.

The lot is also won by the final highest bidder who drops the hammer after no one continues to bid.

This is a regular rule, and Qiao's Auction Company has added a new trick this time.A link has been added to the bidding process.

If the bidding price of each lot reaches more than [-] times the starting price, those who are still participating in the auction can take a closer look at the lot and decide whether to continue to participate in the auction.If you continue to participate in the auction, the open auction will be changed to an arrangement, and all competitors can write down their own bidding prices in their hearts, and the highest bidder will still win in the end.

When the host introduced this rule, he emphasized it, and the guests in the audience were still curious.I have never heard of such an auction rule, which sounds very interesting.

However, some people now have some doubts about the formulation of this rule, five hundred times more than the starting price?how is this possible?

Today's auction items are not vulgar, and the starting price will definitely not be low, more than five hundred times, tsk tsk, what price is this?Is anyone really paying that high a price?

Some people questioned it, and some people thought that Qiao's was quite conscientious. To give everyone a chance to go on stage, the local side can see up close whether the value of the lot is worthy of their continued competition. In addition, it is to let everyone calm down and not waste money.

No matter how rich you are, you don't always get caught by the wind, do you?

(End of this chapter)

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