Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 639 Let him join too

Chapter 639 Let him join too

How about he go there?Follow Tian Xin and the others to hunt for treasure together?

It would be even more fun if we could actually salvage the sunken ship.I heard that there were a lot of Chinese porcelains on the shipwreck. That ship was a trading ship from country Y to China to buy porcelain. It would also buy special products from other countries along the way and exchange the things it bought for money. .

This is actually a common way for trading merchant ships to go to sea in the past. They buy goods and sell them while making money. In the end, they can bring back a large amount of money when they need to ship back the things that need to be sold.

Each country has its own currency, which is very inconvenient to trade. Basically, gold and silver are used as funds for such nautical trade. That's why there are a lot of gold on sunken ships.

If the shipwreck can really be found, maybe there will be several times more gold than what Su Tianxin has picked up now, as well as the antiques on the ship, the value is simply incalculable.

Avette owns a lot of property and a lot of money.

No matter how many valuable things there are on the sunken ship, he doesn't care now.Even if the thing is really found, he will give nothing to Tian Xin. What he wants to enjoy is the fun of participating in the treasure hunting game himself.

Avette told the students his thoughts: "I will set off tonight, and we will go treasure hunting together tomorrow morning. I haven't been this excited for many years. I must participate in such a fun game."

Su Tianxin is of course willing to join the teacher. Although the teacher has given her this place, but after all, the teacher is the real royal person. If the big treasure is really found by then, the teacher will be able to shock those servants Negotiate with local government.

It is said that a strong dragon cannot overwhelm a local snake. Su Tianxin said that they are from Huaguo, and they have no influence in the local area. It is not good if someone has money and gets into trouble. It is more reassuring to have a teacher around.

It's settled like this. Avette will arrive early tomorrow, and they will set off to find the treasure. And tonight, Avette has arranged for guards to go to the beach tonight, so as not to leak the news and someone will come to steal the treasure in advance.

Su Tianxin hung up the phone and told everyone the teacher's arrangement. Everyone thought it would be interesting to go treasure hunting tomorrow.Originally, they just came here to take a casual vacation to enjoy the sunny beach, but they didn't expect to encounter such an interesting thing, and the excitement of the few people who dared to go down has risen again.

Everyone decided to go to bed early tonight.Go to the beach tomorrow morning after dinner!


On their way back to their rooms, Qiao Muqing quietly glanced at Su Tianxin, intending to ask her if this matter had something to do with her and her elf, but it was a little inconvenient for so many people, so she thought about it and let it go.

Anyway, this matter has been cleared, and there is no need to make up any reason, he just pretends not to know.He is also very interested in tomorrow's treasure hunt. I wonder if what is waiting for them to discover in this sea is really the legendary shipwreck?

Su Tianxin returned to her room, finally she didn't have to hide her feelings anymore, she jumped up and down happily and fell on the bed.

"Little Pearl, you are really amazing, you actually found so much gold! Isn't it not far from the sunken ship? Is it within the sea area of ​​our old castle beach? If not, should we secretly send it to the beach?" Overwhelming, shipwreck treasure, that’s a lot of wealth!”

(End of this chapter)

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