Chapter 641 Act!

The Qiao family is fine, let alone Mr. Avette's side.

This place was originally a royal place, and she had already taken advantage of the teacher's gift of this castle to her.Even if the teacher took back all the treasures of the sunken ship on behalf of the royal family, it was a matter of course.

It is clearly written in the information that can be found on the Internet that this legendary shipwreck was originally dispatched by the royal family of country Y.The treasures on the ship should have belonged to the royal family of Country Y, so there is nothing wrong with returning them now.

But the teacher doesn't seem to have such an idea.

The teacher's words were the same as the butler's: the castle belongs to her, the beach belongs to her, and the treasure found in the nearby sea naturally belongs to her too.No one can snatch it away, nor dare to snatch it.Some people dare to think wrongly, the teacher is her backer, even if she asks the queen to come forward, she will not let Tian Xin suffer.

The teacher really took good care of her.So the problem that Little Pearl is worried about should really not exist.

Su Tian thought for a while and then discussed with Little Pearl: "Little Pearl, Teacher Avette is really kind to me, just like my family. The teacher is very interested in finding the sunken ship. If you really can help, can you help us? Looking for a sunken ship? Besides, we also need this treasure, which can be regarded as the capital for us to do the jade business in the future."

The last time the little mouse gave Su Tianxin a gift, she used the excuse of borrowing money from Qiao Muqing to pass it by.If she really supports them in the jade business as Little Pearl said later, she must have capital.

It is unrealistic to borrow from home.Her own studio has just opened, and there are other ways so soon, in the eyes of her family, it will be a three-minute hot topic.

With the wealth of the shipwreck treasure, she can pay back part of it in name first, and even pay back all the money owed to Qiao Muqing.Use this part of the arrears to secretly support Little Pearl and the others to do the jade business in private, or ask Qiao Muqing to help make a bridge, and she can turn the dark into the light to do this business.

Anyway, as long as we have this amount of funds that can pass through the road, many problems will be much easier to solve at once.She really wanted to convince Little Pearl to do the favor.After all, if she is well, they are also well, and they are considered a community of interests now, and Little Pearl will not fail to understand this truth.

Little Pearl nodded, but she couldn't guarantee it: "I'll try. After all, there are only me and the little mouse, and he is not familiar with the underwater environment. I can't guarantee whether he can bring the sunken ship back. Say we'll do our best."

"Will that be dangerous?"

"It looks good so far. I didn't think there was anything dangerous when I went there today. Are you afraid of those demon mages? They can't do it underwater. They might be able to use black magic on land. They can't do it in the water. Not my opponent."

Hearing Little Pearl say that she did her best, Su Tian was already very satisfied, and she would not make Little Pearl insist on doing something for this treasure knowing that it would be difficult or dangerous.She's not so black-hearted, and she doesn't need to.

She was really curious to hear Little Pearl say how good he was in the water.I don't know if I will have a chance to see it in the future.


Su Tianxin discussed it with Little Pearl and acted that night.

Of course, Su Tianxin herself did not participate in this night's action, she can't help much, it's still cumbersome to follow, and it's hard to explain if someone finds out.

Little Pearl still took the little mouse with her.

(End of this chapter)

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