Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 652 Another Elf?

Chapter 652 Another Elf?

Qiao Muqing, who has always been quite beautiful and feels that he and Tian Xin share a little secret, would never have imagined that he is now in such a position in Tian Xin's heart.Although it is a little bit better than before, it is still a character that comes and goes as soon as it is used.

But even if he knew about it, he would lose his temper. Isn't it all his own fault?Who is to blame?Can only blame himself?Otherwise, why did Tianxin only give him so little pitiful trust?


Back on the shore, Su Tianxin was surrounded by her mother and Aunt Xu. The two of them put a big towel on her because they were afraid that she would be cold. The car was already waiting, and everyone went to the castle to take a bath and rest first. it's time for lunch.

The beach side has already sent guards and salvage team members who stayed on the shore to guard, and there will be no problem. Everyone will rest and have a meal before proceeding to the next thing.

The Su family and the Qiao family, who had been waiting on the beach for a whole morning, sat in the car and didn't bother to ask about the situation of the sunken ship. They were all concerned about whether Tianxin felt uncomfortable, whether he was hungry or cold, or what? .Su Yuexin and Qiao Muqing went into the sea together as if they didn't exist, hehe...they are used to it.

It took 5 minutes to drive back to the old castle. Su Tian's heart didn't clear up until she went back to her room to take a bath. She was a little dazed when too many people talked just now.After coming back from such a quiet environment underwater, she was bombarded by a bunch of people expressing condolences. She was really not used to it.She finally realized what a sweet burden is.

Back in the room, Su Tianxin hurriedly checked on Little Starfish's situation. There were so many people in the car just now, she didn't care about communicating with Little Pearl and the others. What an exception.

Looking at Little Starfish now, it seems a little bit better than before?If you want to say how she saw it, by intuition?Otherwise, can you still look at the face like a human?

"Little starfish, are you okay? I don't know how to save you, and the hospital doesn't care about it."

Su Tian felt a little anxious.

"Thank you for saving my little sister. I am a starfish elf. It is useless to go to the hospital."

Starfish elves?Su Tian was stunned for a moment, why is he an elf again?Is this elf already so common?Wherever you go, you can meet them?

When Su Tian wanted to save Xiao Haixing, she did find that Qiao Muqing couldn't see Xiao Haixing, nor could anyone else.But at the time, she only thought it was a little demon or something, never thought that it was also an elf.

Little Pearl said before that there are not many elves in this world, and even fewer elves grow in the sea.Most of those who can cultivate with spiritual wisdom are actually demons.So Su Tian took it for granted that this was a demon.

And on the way back by car, Su Tianxin didn't communicate with Little Pearl, and he didn't remind himself that he saved another elf.Really... She was not prepared at all.

"Little Pearl, why didn't you tell me in advance that this is an elf?"

"Do I need to tell you? Didn't you plan to save them all? Could it be that you think saving a demon is better than saving an elf?"

Little Pearl was quite reasonable, he felt that Su Tianxin's reaction seemed to look down on their elves.

"What nonsense? Did I mean that? I just thought we might be in that trouble again."

Every time Su Tianxin rescued an elf before, she seemed to be in trouble, and she felt that this might almost become a half-body product of her old elf.

(End of this chapter)

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