Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 655: Not Ordinary Mortals Anymore

Chapter 655: Not Ordinary Mortals Anymore

This time even the little mouse was surprised, "Miss Tianxin, Yuan Dan is a good thing, why do you still feel a little bit reluctant to eat it. If it weren't for us elves who couldn't devour Yuan Dan, I would want to eat it. You can try it. Dyspepsia."

What is wrong with this world?The Yuan Dan delivered to the door is simply lower than the odds of waiting for a rabbit that ordinary people say. When such a good thing happens, there are still people who seem to be a little bit disgusted. What's the matter?

The days are too good, the blessings are too good, don't you know how to cherish them?

Su Tian didn't feel disgusted, but felt that she, a mortal, would become weird and not like a normal mortal after eating this food.

For example, if she becomes extremely powerful suddenly, or becomes a King Kong Barbie or something, she is not only afraid of indigestion, but also afraid that she will become weird.

But Little Pearl's expression seemed to feel that her reaction of not saying anything but not wanting to eat Yuan Dan was stupid. She was a little uncertain whether she should eat it or not.

Little Pearl was a little anxious, "Hurry up and eat it, the longer this Yuan Dan is outside the body, the less spiritual power it will have, and it will disappear after a while, hurry up!"

This is really in line with the old Chinese saying: The emperor is not in a hurry, but the eunuch is in a hurry to die!

The two elves were so impatient that they wanted to stuff their mouths for Su Tian, ​​but she was still thinking about it.It doesn't matter, if you still can't convince her, why don't the two elves just stuff her mouth directly.

Fortunately, Su Tianxin seemed to understand the eyes of the two elves, and under pressure, he ate it by himself.

Huh?There seems to be no strange smell.It's refreshing and cool, and it feels so comfortable when you eat it in your mouth.

Little Pearl hurriedly asked her, "How is it?"

"It seems to be quite comfortable, cool, oh... now it seems to be wrapped in a small ball of warmth, and it stays in my dantian. Ah! It's so comfortable, like taking a bath in hot water bath."

Su Tianxin came back to take a hot bath to drive out the cold, and was busy solving the little starfish's problem just now, but she didn't have time, her body was a little cold, but now her whole body is warmer and more comfortable.

Little Pearl looked proud: "Yuan Dan will stay in your dantian, and it will be integrated with your dantian soon. There are many benefits. From now on, you will not be an ordinary mortal."

Su Tianxin, who was quite enjoying this feeling, was suddenly taken aback by Little Pearl's words!

"What do you mean I am no longer an ordinary person? What will I become?"

Su Tian felt that what she was worried about would come true, would it scare the family?

"It means that you will seldom get sick in the future, almost no longer like ordinary mortals who can get sick just by the wind and rain. As long as it is not the black magic of the demon mage, it will not make you sick. You mortals are too weak Now, now that you have Little Starfish's Yuan Dan, you are worthy of being our owner."

Little Pearl is getting more and more satisfied with the current situation.This is indeed the reincarnation of a koi carp, tsk tsk, who can compare with this luck and blessing?who can?

Su Tian breathed a sigh of relief, "It turned out to be like this, it scared me to death, oops! My stomach hurts suddenly!"

Su Tianxin hurried to the bathroom and came out after 10 minutes.

"Could it be that this Yuan Dan and my body have a rejection reaction or something, why do I have a stomachache and diarrhea, is it indigestion?"

What about not getting sick?Did she eat a fake Yuan Dan?

(End of this chapter)

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